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Q: How might forest fires affect an areas potential?
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How do man made fires effect the forest?

They don't affect forests much at all if they are made safely and responsibly and according to local rules and laws. When set fires get out of hand, they can cause the destruction of large areas of forest.

How do forest fires affect the niche of birds?

it is not cool, what it does.

What affect do people have on Temperate Forest?

they cause horrible forest fires and are really bad.

Do forest fires affect the o zone layer?

i believe they do

Where do fires mostly occur?

Fire devils or firewhirls are most common in areas that get large, intense brush fires and forest fires.

What effect do forest fires have on the community?

they force forest animals to migrate into cities and can also polute areas

Where do fire devils mostly occur?

Fire devils or firewhirls are most common in areas that get large, intense brush fires and forest fires.

Can you build fires in national forests or parks?

They do have areas to do that if not don't you could burn down the forest.

Would a forest fire affect the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Forest fires increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

What is the number one cause of forest fires?

There are two main causes of forest fires. Firstly is human carelessness as people fail to extinguish camp fires properly or are careless with matches and cigarettes. The second cause is often due to lightning strikes in forested areas.

Are forest fires in the US common?

Forest fires can happen anywhere

What are common causes of forest fires?

Lightning starts hundreds of fires every day, during fire season. Human carelessness accounts for a large number of fires in some areas that are accessible to humans.