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well, idk but um ..... all i know is that rome is located in Italy and the boot of Italy kicks Sicily.... sorry buddy

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Q: How might mountains have served both as help and hindrance to ancient people of Italian peninsula?
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Were Greece and Rome both in the Italian peninsula in the ancient world?

Rome is on the Italian peninsula. Greece is somewhat farther east. Both are in the Mediterranean Sea.

Ancient Roman civilization began on the Italian peninsula after overthrowing rule from who?

the Etruscans

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Interactions between Latin and local languages is what the languages of French and Italian have in common. The linguistic interactions reflect the course of the expansion of the Rome-centered civilization into all corners of the ancient Italian peninsula and over the mountains and into ancient France. Aquitanian and Basque may be considered examples of France's ancient languages while Etruscan also ranks high on the multi-lingual bio-geography of ancient Italy.

What do the languages of French and Italian have in common?

Interactions between Latin and local languages is what the languages of French and Italian have in common. The linguistic interactions reflect the course of the expansion of the Rome-centered civilization into all corners of the ancient Italian peninsula and over the mountains and into ancient France. Aquitanian and Basque may be considered examples of France's ancient languages while Etruscan also ranks high on the multi-lingual bio-geography of ancient Italy.

What is ancient Rome's land like?

Rome was, and still is, in a hilly area half way between the Apennine Mountains (which run through the Italian peninsula) and the coast. Being in central Italy, it has a Mediterranean climate. The area has an average agricultural fertility.

What are some Natural barriers in the Roman Empire?

The city of Rome did not have a natural barrier. The original city was on seven neighbouring hills (the Palatine, Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal, Capitoline, and Aventine). People liked to live on hills because they were easier to protect from raids. Later, ancient Rome grew beyond these hills.

How did greeces mountains terrain and long coastline affect ancient Greece life?

It made it hard to grow some types of crops back then and ancient Greece was a peninsula(look it up)

How did Greece's mountains terrain and long coastline affect Ancient Greek life?

It made it hard to grow some types of crops back then and ancient Greece was a peninsula(look it up)

How do mountains affect life in Italy?

Mountians in Italy made it hard for people to cross one side of the peninsula to the other .

What three nations reside on the etruscan peninsula?

Etrusca is the name given to an ancient civilization in Northern Italy, so I assume you're referring to what is now called the Italian or Apennine Peninsula. The three nations on this peninsula are Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City.

Was ancient rome located on a mountainside?

No. Rome was on the seven Hills of Rome which were in a hilly area between the Apennines (a mountain chain which runs through the Italian peninsula) and the coast.

What were physical characteristics of ancient rome?

Originally, Rome was on the Seven Hills of Rome (the Capitoline, Palatine, Caelian, Esquiline, Viminal, Quirinal and Aventine). Ten it expanded to include other nearby hills. It was on the banks of the River Tiber and between the Apennine Mountains (which form the backbone of the Italian peninsula) and the coast.