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Q: How might the ideas about equality expressed in the Declaration of Independence have influenced later historical movements such as the abolitionist movement and the womens suffrage movement?
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What were 2 ideas from the Enlightenment that influenced the Declaration of Independence?

What historical event influenced the declaration of independence?

Wanting to be free from the King of England and end taxes without representation.

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the constitution and declaration of independence

How did the declaration of independence influenced the constitution?

It didn't at all.

What influenced the Declaration of Independence?

King George III

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The Declaration of Independence.

The declaration on independence was influenced by who?

the founding fathers, the colonists who fought the war

What European writer influenced Jefferson's declaration of Independence?

John Locke

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and who influenced him the most?

Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, John Adams, and more wrote the Declaration of Independence.

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the declaration of independence

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John Locke

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john Locke