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Q: How might twentieth century communism and socialism be similar?
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How did America feel about socialism at the turn of the century?

I think similar to the way the felt about communism

What are the similarities between socialism and capitalism?

Socialism and communism are similar in the way they are supposed to work - all power being shared equally - and capitalism is similar to socialism in that everybody should ideally get out what they put in proportionally, but communism and capitalism are the exact opposites.

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Today's environmental education, especially for younger children, is very similar to the nature study of the early twentieth century.

How was socialism similar to capitalism?

Government control of business.

How was Deng Xiaoping's brand of Communism different that Mao Zedong's?

Deng's brand of communism was more economically focused, and much more similar to capitalism than Mao's was. Deng focused on materialism and benefits for peoples work where as Mao relied on the revolutionary enthusiasm and egalitarian policies.

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Thalidomide, the most famous agent of birth defects in the twentieth century, is now being used to treat complications of leprosy and similar diseases.

Why isn't communism really communism?

True communism isn't practiced by a major power anywhere in the world today. Instead, the politico-economic system currently practiced by China (and which used to be employed by the Soviet Union) is called socialism.A very simplified explanation of the difference is that socialism is set up and controlled by a central government, whereas communism is controlled and maintained at the local (people) level. The only practical example of true communism can be found in the system known (appropriately enough) as a commune, similar to the kibbutz farming communities found in Israel.

Was communism one of Hitler's political theories?

No, he was against Communists even though he was a national "Socialist" which is similar to Communism.

How are socialism and marxism similar and different?

Communism is when everyone is equal. For ex. You might live in a small house even though you might be a doctor, but you only have a wife and 1 kid. And another family might have a big house because they have a wife and 4 kids, but they are only a cashier.

How is socialism similar to capitalism nova net?

government control of business-D. Roe

The belief that people who share an ethnicity and culture should have their own sovereign state is called what?

The answer choices are A. Socialism B. Separatism C. Communism D. nationalism