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Toxicity is virtually nonexistent in natural marijuana. The toxicity levels of cannabis compounds are estimated at 40,000, meaning that a subject would have to ingest 40,000 times the regular dose to induce death. "In layman's terms," according to The New England Journal of Medicine, "a smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response."

While that amount of consumption is certainly an impossible feat, in comparison, legal prescription medications cause thousands of deaths per year.

Common household drugs are much more lethal than marijuana. For instance, a lethal dose of caffeine is equal to about 100 cups of coffee.

In 1972, after reviewing the scientific evidence, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse concluded that while marijuana was not entirely safe, its dangers had been grossly overstated.

Since then, researchers have conducted thousands of studies on humans, animals and cell cultures. None of those describe any findings dramatically different from those described by the National Commission in 1972.

In 2008, The Canadian Medical Association Journal published a review of research spanning 30 years, concluding that there are no serious adverse effects of cannabis use. Contaminants, however, are known to be hazardous, especially to those suffering from immune disorders.

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1w ago

There is no known lethal dose of THC for humans. In studies, extremely high doses of THC have been administered to animals without causing death. However, ingesting a large amount of THC can result in severe discomfort, anxiety, or panic attacks, and may require medical attention.

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THC is a chemical compound, not a living thing; you can't kill it. The oils on your hands may dissolve a small amount of THC from any plant that is handled, but not enough to affect it.

Can an overdose of THC kill you?

Yes... Although it would be difficult, an overdose of THC would certainly be fatal.

How much THC will it take for it too be fatal?

It would take a large dose of pure THC, but for Marijuana, the articles I have read say that one would have to smoke about 1500lbs of weed in 15 minutes.

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If THC can cure Cancer, then it can obviously kill other s**t too.

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How how is 50mg of THC?

It depends on individual tolerance levels, but 50mg of THC is generally considered a moderate to high dose for inexperienced users. It can lead to intense psychoactive effects such as euphoria, relaxation, impaired coordination, and potential anxiety or paranoia. It's important to start with a lower dose if you're new to cannabis products.

Will antibody kill the THC in your body?

No, THC is not alive. It's is a natural chemical and it is stored in your fat cells. There's no way to get it out of your body besides letting it leave in its own over time. It should only take 30 days or less.