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that depends on what country you are going to and how much you can bring in without declaring it. An example is amounts over $10,000 AD in Australia must be declared at port of entry.

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Q: How much US money can you take out of the country while traveling abroad?
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Can you connect to your home network wireless network while abroad? No. But there is worldwide internet access in the sense that the internet is available anywhere. has a good guide on internet use while traveling.

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Preparing to Study Abroad: Personal and Health?

Studying abroad during your college career can be an incredibly rewarding experience. However, it’s important to plan ahead to make sure that your study abroad experience is the best that it can be. Here are some things to consider when preparing to leave the country for an extended period of time.§Make sure your finances are in order. Before leaving for your study abroad experience, make sure that you save enough money and pay down your credit card debt so that your time abroad is financially sustainable. Setting up automatic loan payments is also a great idea so that you don’t have to worry about missing a payment while you are abroad. Make sure to contact your bank and credit card companies to let them know that you will be out of the country for an extended period of time. Lastly, establish a budget and stick to it during your time abroad.It can be stressful to have to or deal with money issues when you are studying abroad. A bit of planning in this area can save you a whole lot of hassle and worry later on.§Tie up any personal loose ends before leaving.If there are any conversations you would like to have or situations you would like to resolve before you go abroad, now is the time to do it. It’s a great idea to make sure that your important relationships are as healthy as can be before leaving the country for several months or more.§Have a plan for maintaining physical and mental health. Visit your doctor before you leave the country. At this appointment, make sure that your immunizations are up to date and that you have received any vaccines recommended by the CDC before traveling to the country where you will be studying. If you take prescription medications, come up with a plan for getting them filled while you are abroad. Also, establish a sustainable exercise and nutrition program so that you can stay in good health and fully enjoy your time in another country.