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Q: How much b12 should you take if you are deficient?
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Is it ok to take B12 tablets?

Very few people are ever deficient in B12. a vitamin that occurs in meat, milk and other dairy product (such as eggs). Unless you are on a vegan diet, there should be no reason for you to be deficient in B12, and taking a B12 supplement will probably not prove beneficial. Consult your GP/family doctor before starting a B12 supplement. (Added note) People suffering from Chronic Anaemia cannot absorb vitamin B12 from their food, and B12 tablets are of no use. They need to have a B12 injection every 3 months.

Who is most likely to be vitamin B12 deficient?


What is Podiapn used for?

Podiapn is a B12 complex vitamin and is usually administered or prescribed if you are B12 deficient.

What percentage of the U.S population is deficient in vitamin D?

Due to fortification of foods, especially cereals, only a small percentage of individuals in the U.S. are deficient in vitamin B12. However, because of malabsorption syndromes, celiac disease, gastric bypass operations and conditons of undernourishment (as a result of nutritionally empty calories) such as alcoholism, it is estimated that up to 10% of individuals could be deficient in vitamin B12.

What is a strict vegetarian at risk for?

Protein deficiences, for one thing. They may also be deficient in vitamin B12, calcium, and iron.

Whats out there to eat that has lots of b12 Or the most b12 Should I just buy b12 pills Should I take estrogen pills as well to balance things?

The foods that are highest in B12 are shellfish; liver, especially beef liver; fish such as herring, smoked salmon, and tuna; soy products like tofu, and the type of cereals that are fortified with vitamin B12 such as All Bran. You should not take estrogen pills without checking with your doctor. Any excess vitamin B12 leaves the body or is stored by the liver for when you need it.

How many b12 do you have to take a day?

Not very much about 50-100 micro grams should get you around

What if you take vitiam b12 with teva levofloxacin?

My doctor told me that it is okay to take the B12 while taking Teva-levofloxacin (250 mg) and also the pharmacist, but should be 2 hrs after.

How much B12 can I take with 60mg of Prozac?

A lot. Like,200000 mg.

Is a diet that recommends eating only fruits and vegetables healthy?

A diet that consists only of fruits and vegetables is likely to be deficient in protein, and in calcium and vitamin D, and will almost certainly be deficient in vitamin B12, which will lead to anemia. It is possible to survive on such a diet, but it is much easier to do so with the help of carefully chosen nutritional supplements.

How much b12 b6 and b2 can you take a day?

How much ml of B-12 injections a daily is recommended

Do you need to get shots to be a vegetarian?

Not usually. Shots are only given to those people who become very deficient in certain nutrients (usually protein, B6, and / or B12).