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MUCH more than President Obama has*. The FACTS are available, don't believe the often heard fiction. See the graph for verifiable facts on the Presidential spending since Ronald Reagan in the related links below.

* Presidents actually don't spend government money, Congress does. The President influences them to try to get done what he knows needs to be done to turn our country around or to bring it forward, but it is CONGRESS who approves the spending of our tax dollars.

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Q: How much did all presidents spend before President Obama?
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All the US's president?

A list of all the US's presidents would begin with George Washington and end with the current president Barrack Obama. You can see a complete list online at

How is Obama like the Greek president?

They both spend too much.

How much money did President Obama spend on his Hawaiian vacation?


What does President Obama like to do when he has time off?

Spend time with family and have sport activities.

How many personal days or self promotion days has President Obama taken since taking office?

First, this question implies that President Obama is involved in "self-promotion" rather than in performing his duties. But all presidents, whether Republican or Democratic, spend time raising funds and giving political speeches. Some critics would say they spend too much time doing so; but it is, unfortunately, part of politics for presidents to be out campaigning even while they are the current occupant of the White House. Thus, it is difficult to say any president (Obama included) totally separates his presidential duties from his political obligations. And that also makes the question difficult to answer: no president gets any "personal days"-- even when on vacation, a president has to be ready to take action if an emergency situation occurs. That said, yes there are days when President Obama is out giving political speeches or rallying potential donors; but he usually does this during a day when he is also involved in other activities that have nothing to do with fundraising or motivating his base. And there is no evidence he does any more or any less fundraising or speech-making than any of the presidents who came before him.

Is Obama using the presidency for campaigning purposes?

No, not exclusively. But campaigning is a part of what politicians do: like all other presidents, Obama has to campaign if he wants to be re-elected. The majority of a president's duties involves leading the country, making important strategic decisions about issues like the economy and foreign policy. But the rest of being president is about persuading people (voters) to keep you in office. So, while Obama does not spend all of his time campaigning, he does spend some of it visiting various cities, giving speeches and trying to gather votes-- which is exactly what Bush, Clinton, and Reagan also had to do.

How much taxpayer money has Obama spent on vacations to date?

It is a partisan myth that presidents cost us outrageous sums of money when they are on vacation. Republicans like to accuse Democratic presidents of being wasteful, and Democrats like to accuse Republicans of the same. To be fair, even when presidents are on vacation, they are also on duty, ready to take an emergency call from a cabinet member or someone in the Pentagon or whoever else might need to talk to the Commander in Chief. It is also a myth that President Obama has taken more vacations than any other president. There are some presidents who spend more time on vacation than others: but President Obama so far has not spent an unusual amount of time on vacation. That said, whether we are discussing President Bush or President Obama, vacations can be expensive, since they require secret service, special use of Air Force One (with fuel charges, paying staff, etc), and whatever the cost of the rental of the vacation house, meals, etc. According to some estimates, President Obama's vacations have actually cost less than those of President Bush. But the fact remains: there is no easy or cheap way for any president to take some time off without incurring a number of expenses, and yes, these expenses do affect the taxpayers.

What does the president like to do when he is not working?

Obama likes to play basketball. Of course he likes to spend time with his wife and daughters.

Why should Obama raise the debt ceiling?

The president does not have the power to raise the debt ceiling . He has no power to borrow money and not really any power over spending-- only the Congress can do that. The president can only spend money that Congress has appropriated to be spent, although Presidents have been known to withhold funds that Congress has already appropriated.

What part of the constitution limits the presidents spending?

The Constitution forbids the president to spend money unless the spending is authorized by congress.

What does President Obama like to do?

He likes to read, he likes to play basketball or go golfing with his friends, and he likes to spend time with his family.

The president's refusal to spend money is called?

When a president refuses to spend money that Congress appropriates, ii is called impoundment of funds. This was a power that that was first exercised by the U.S. President Thomas Jefferson in 1801. In 1974, the Impoundment Control Act was enacted to limit this power of presidents.