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The incremental costs involved in conducting a background check and other investigative measures vary from one individual to the next and are difficult to generalize to the entire population of judges/justices.

If you're asking about the cost of selling a the right to a vacancy, as former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich allegedly attempted to do when filling former Senator Barach Obama's Senate seat, there is no associated cost. The nomination is made at the sole discretion of the President, although he may seek counsel from members of his staff and the various experts.

Nomination to the US Supreme Court is an honor in itself; selling an opportunity to receive that honor is an impeachable (and criminal) offense.

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Q: How much does it cost to nominate a US Supreme Court justice to a vacancy on the bench?
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Jimmy Carter, who was in office from 1977-1981, never had an opportunity to nominate a US Supreme Court justice.

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No. The President would nominate a new Chief Justice to succeed the one who died in office, and the Senate would vote for or against confirmation. The procedure for appointing a new Chief Justice or Associate Justice is the same regardless of the reason for the vacancy.

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When a vacancy occurs because a sitting justice retires, resigns, dies or is impeached and convicted.Only one US Supreme Court justice, Samuel Chase, has ever been impeached, but he was acquitted at trial.

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The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States.

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The President of the United States nominates a new Supreme Court justice with the advice and consent of the Senate, following the same procedure as they would when filling any other Supreme Court vacancy. The only difference is that sitting Associate Justices are eligible to be elevated to Chief Justice, if the Chief Justice position is vacant and the Senate approves.