

How much exercise should kids do a week?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Kids need not do any sort of heavy exercises like adults do because their metabolism by itself is at a higher rate than adults because they are growing at a rapid pace. If they can walk atleast for 1 or 2 miles in a day and indulge in an outdoor sport like football or tennis for atleast half an hour a day it should be more than enough to keep them healthy.

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Q: How much exercise should kids do a week?
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How much exercise should kids get in a week to stay healthy?

Overall, kids should exercise everyday for at least an hour to stay healthy and avoid issues such as obesity. Some exercises that kids can do are walk, jog, bike, swim, and many more. You should try and have kids do these activities to avoid the issues and to lead your kids to a healthy life style.

How much aerobic exercise should you do each week?

At least 3 times a week.

What happens if we don't exercise one day?

not much actually but you are supposed to exercise 5 times a week and it is enough .if you very fat you should exercise regularly but if not you should exercise 5 times a week as recomended

Do you exercise too much?

if you are an adult, you should exercise about 150 minutes a week, with two days muscle strengthening activities.

What is the limt of excerciseing a week?

There is no standard limit to the amount of exercise someone should get each week. Listen to your body to determine if you are getting enough or too much exercise.

How many hours of exercise should a child have each day?

Between 1-2 hours each day. About 3 days per week is what kids should get.

I'll exercise if I eat too much?

good!! but how often do you eat too much? and it this the only time you exercise? I think you should eat healthy and exercise 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

How much excersise should we have per day?

Exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

How many hours of sports are kids supposed to have each week?

kids are suppose to have a hour of exercise each day but in a week they're suppose to have 420 minutes which is 7 hours a week.

How much fat can you loose in a week?

it depends on how much you eat and exercise if you eat chicken wings all week and dont exercise your going to gain but if you eat salad and exercise all week you can loose about 5 to 15

How often should you exercise per week?

least three days in a week.

How many hours should a child exercise per week?

A child is supposed to get at least 1 hour of exercise a day or 7 hours of exercise a week.