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Generally, you would feed a steer or heifer from four or five months old to slaughter. Cows are female cattle used for reproduction and milk production. Steers are castrated males and heifers are females which have not reproduced. The actual amount of grain you would use to get a steer or heifer to market weight will depend on many factors. If you were located in a Northern climate it will take slightly more because some of the food energy will be used to keep the animal warm. Also, you need to supplement grain with roughage such as hay and silage, and the amount of roughage you use will affect the amount of grain you use. Having said all that, it will take about 80 bushels of corn. This would be about 4,500 pounds (A bushel weighs 56 lbs.) The goal is to have the animal gain about 2.7 pounds per day.

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Q: How much grain does it take to feed a cow from infancy to slaughter age?
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45% of the bag every two days

How much grain should your 4 month old calf be eating?

Cereal grain is the best to feed a calf. This includes corn, oats, barley and rye.

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Within 1 to 3 weeks of age. It mainly depends on how much milk the mare produces.

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How much silage and grain to stockyard calves?

It depends on the age of these calves, their weight, and what kind of silage you're feeding them. In most cases you want to try to limit grain intake until they're a few months away from the slaughter date, and instead focus on their forage rations so that they grow and fill in muscle, not put on fat. Silage should be fed as a restricted diet, which means you should only feed as much as they will eat at one "sitting." If you feed too much, they will get really picky, picking through the silage to find the good stuff and you could end up with some metabolic issues like acidosis. Feed too little, and you will also have problems such as reduction in growth and average daily gain. There is no set-in-stone amount that you should feed to your animals. That, unfortunately, is something you may have to calculate out yourself.

How much corn is in cattle feed?

It depends on the location, and the type or class of animals fed. There can be as little as no corn (0%) in a feed ration for cattle, or as much as 85% in a feed ration. Not all areas in the world can or will grow corn, and not all feed fed to cattle includes corn. For instance, much of the grain fed to cattle in Canada is barley or oats, not corn.

When is Triticale grown?

Today, there are only a few thousand acres grown and much of it is sold as a feed grain. Most of the production is in the western states