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Q: How much is it to do laundry for just one person with a little bit of clothe?
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no, but just a little drop of lemon juice can make your laundry smell like lemons :D

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little person is the correct term but just calling them a person is more respectful.

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A puppy should get a space in the laundry room or just a little bed in the living room. It could just live anywhere it feels like sleeping.

Is little debbie a real person?

no its just a brand :)

Who invented laundry?

Nobody really invented laundry. People just started washing their garments in water.

Standard laundry room size?

There is no accepted standard laundry rooms size just as there is no standard sizes for kitchens or baths.

How do you get dog hair out of laundry?

Well you can use a lint roller to get the dog hair out or if there is just a little bit you can pick it out. (If you have the patience.)

How can you wash your nike mens comfort slides 2 without ruining the foam?

you get a little laundry detergent and put it on the dirty parts. let it sit there for 5 seconds then scrub it with a wash clothe or a bathroom scrubber. then let them air dry under a fan. OR I just washed them in the washer with my clothes and dried them in the dryer on medium heat and checked them regularly so make sure they didn't melt or anything. Pulled them out when they were very close to being dry and did the rest with a fan.

Should barbies be banned?

I'd ban barbie dolls that you can take there clothe off, showing nudity, and its almost just as bad as showing little girls naked woman. like i did, get all the barbies Bras and underwear, which are harder to find but safer.

Do you use hot water or cold water for laundry?

Most laundry detergents work just as well with cold water. By using cold water you will save money and reduce environmental damage. It depends.If you are putting laundry in the washer then use hot water.If you are washing laundry that stains its colour or just washing by hand then use cold water.

How do you prepare liquid detergent?

you don't. you just pour it in your load of laundry.