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It depends..

The age of the kitten is important.. Kittens can get milk.. it just depends on how old they are. 3 months is the right time you can feed them milk if they are suppoted on their mother's milk. However.. if the kitten does not have a mother, it is encourged that they are to have milk. You are welcome!!



Many cats and kittens have trouble digesting cow's milk- upset tummy. There are milk replacements you can get from a vet if you need to nurse an orphan kitten- but would pass on cow's milk. Remember, they are kittens, not calves.

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you can feed it milk by a bottle

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well we gave ower cat a bowl a day

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Q: How often do you give a kitten or a cat milk?
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What is cat milk?

Cat milk is often milk that has the lactose removed, or goat milk. Both are packaged into bottles or cartons and are safe for cats to drink. Cat and kitten milk often have added vitamins and other nutrients, which is especially good for growing kittens.

What to give a cat that's born and there mother dies?

Pet stores sell KMR Kitten Milk Replacer and kitten-sized baby bottles. I think Walmart has it too. Also, never feed a kitten or cat regular milk. Especially an adult cat. It can ruin their digestive system and kill them.

What does it mean if a kitten is cold?

It means that your kitten is cold. You can wrap it in a blanket and gently rub it softly to try to warm it up. Maybe wrap it in an electric blanket.

Can your kitten drink pet milk?

To live on, no. They need mother's milk or kitten milk substitute from the pet store. As a treat it's fine in small amounts. Too much can give them indigestion. As kittens age they start becoming lactose intolerant, so giving a cat over about the age of four months milk can cause diarrhea. But they still love drinking it.

Can you give your four month old kittens milk?

No, in fact cats in general should not drink milk. They do not have the enzyme needed to properly process milk in their digestive systems, so it usually just causes stomach upset and diarrhea.

Can you give your kitten purina cat food?

It depends on the age. If your cat is under 4 weeks, NO. A big fat NO. You can give a kitten purina kitten chow once it is weaned. If the kitten is 4 weeks or under, it will need KMR. (Kitten milk replacer) It should be fed with a bottle intended for nursing kittens, NOT a baby bottle with a baby nipple.

Can you give your kitten human breast milk?

It is not recommended because just like a human baby needs either human breast milk or human formula, baby kittens need either cat breast milk or kitten formula.

What kind of milk should you feed a kitten even though there done nursing?

From what I am told you should not give kittens milk! You can buy a canned KMR (Kitten Milk Replacement) in the cat section of most pet/food stores. HTH

Why is milk bad for cats?

It gives them worms.Improved Answer:Due to the lactose that is present in cow's milk, some cats cannot digest it properly so can get sick from ingesting it. It does not, however, give a cat worms. Specially formulated cat milk does not have lactose in so is perfectly safe to give to a kitten or cat.

What do you need for a 4 or 5 week old kitten without a mom?

Kittens can be safely weaned after 4 weeks, so it would not hurt it at all. Be sure to feed kitten food, and cat milk from the pet store. Do not give cows milk, as cats cannot digest the proteins, and will give cat diarrhea

When does a kitten need cat food not milk?

I would not let them eat cat food until they are 6 - 8 weeks old. I would use goat milk instead of evaporated milk. It's easier for them to digest. If you do start them on cat food at 6 - 8 weeks, be sure to buy KITTEN food and not CAT food. There really is a difference.

Can you add water to whole milk to give to a kitten?

Cow's milk shouldn't really be given to kittens. Cats and kittens are lactose intolerant, which means that cannot digest it very well and can cause diarrhea. A kitten with diarrhea will get dehydrated very quickly and if left untreated can become fatal. If you wish to give your kitten some milk, most stores now stock specially formulated cat or kitten milk which has no lactose in and is safe to drink.