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world wide the figure is upwards of $1 billion USD

Since significant research agencies have started the estimated total donated into cancer research sits at $4 Trillion.

Some updated information:

Funding for cancer research in the United States is close to $5 billion per year. The most recent figure on a global scale is from 2004-2005 when funding was around 11 billion Euros.

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6y ago
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11y ago

Considering the fact that over $6 Billion is spent on Advertising campaigns, marketing, pink products, and more for JUST Breast cancer, and the US Taxpayers foot the bill for $780 Million of that, There really is no way of knowing exactly how much is raised, though it is estimated to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

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13y ago

Many successful cures for cancer have been suppressed by rich elite tycoons who originated the new world order conspiracy.

A torrent search for a video will enlighten you as to the underlying difficulties--search torrents for >NWO - Dr. Stanley Monteith (Prophecy Club)< should locate a 1 Gbyte AVI video that outlines the disturbing details as documented by many different sources for different key individuals in history and how they are connected with one another. By taking notes, and cross-checking the facts provided, you will realize that the world of rich tycoons resembles that of reality TV shows like "Survivor" where various individuals conspire to align themselves in groups to better insure their success--it is just human nature.

Key among many of these cancer cures involves, at least in part, diet change to include greater vitamin and mineral intake, lower animal protein intake, and a shift in the pH balance of the blood.

See >1953 Fitzgerald report suppressed cancer treatment<

The rich elite tycoons began their suppression around 1910 with the promotion of the AMA, the German system of medical education (Quicksilver / Mercury), and the Flexner Report on medical education in the USA and Canada. Abraham and Simon Flexner were employees of the house of Rockefeller.

The Rockefeller family control Western medicine by their power as bankers, and operators of 5000+ tax exempt charitable foundations who own a large chunk of all capitalism worldwide. Included on this list of controlled companies is a huge list of pharmaceutical companies, private cancer hospitals, and so on.

J. P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and a modest size group of rich elites formulated numerous round table political policy groups, scholarly think tank organizations, news media barons, and so on whose members enter into a revolving door situation with the various US government departments to influence the formation of the statutory legal framework governing the lives of all Americans. See >Carroll Quigley<

While some people see these groups as entirely evil because of their tendency to promote advocacy for an unelected world government and corporate monopolies in their private hands to control all sorts of industries like banking, energy, medicine, food, steel, etc, the elder J. D. Rockefeller had a slightly positive influence during his time developing the family's fortune.

During the industrial revolution there was too much competition from very small companies doing all the very same things. For example, there were tens of thousands of oil companies all trying to underbid and compete with one another, driving themselves broke, frightening off investment capital to improve that sector of the economy. Rockefeller solved the problem by using trickery of the railway system and a company called the "Southern Improvement Company" that got Rockefeller oil products shipped for free, while charging huge fees to everyone else for shipping. Virtually everyone had to sell their businesses off to Rockefeller or be driven to the poor house because no more fuel orders would be coming their way because their transportation costs had been driven through the roof. The good thing was that many of these operators were kept on as employees and managers of their division of the Rockefeller empire. Torrent search for the pdf ebook "Josephson - The Robber Barons - The Great American Capitalists 1861-1901 (1934)" and also the Google video clip of >Rockefeller conspiracy to take over oil industry< that is a clip of a History Channel documentary.

Rockefeller provided money to the Carnegie foundation so that they could help the AMA monopoly of medical practitioners improve their professional training and incomes. The tycoon funded medical universities would train all future students in only the allopathic method of medical treatment, while discarding all other forms of medicine--especially those not using Rockefeller pharmaceuticals. The Flexner report was unscientifically designed to promote the scores of medical educational institutions who were teaching about drugs while black-balling those teaching other methods like naturopathy. While this allopathic form of medicine supposedly promotes scientific evidence medicine, it does so very selectively by discarding all but cutting, burning, and using patented poisons to treat various diseases.

So if the cure to cancer was within the realm of cutting, burning or using patented poisons, the 5 year survival rate for major types of cancer would have improved rather than remained virtually the same for the past 70+ years.

When a unnatural chemical synthetic compound is patented, each pill can be priced at $2,000 each, and medical insurance is there (initially) to pay for it all. This is how money is made from the suffering cancer patients, and this is also how many Western countries are having difficulties with the soaring price of medical care.

When a new cure for MS was publicized, Rockefeller-based medical men came forward to denounce the cure as premature. A hospital in the Caribbean 10 to 50 patients are being treated daily, and being cured. A well publicized death from the treatment was announced as soon as it happened September 2010. See >MS cure death Costa Rica< Many news organizations around the world pounced on this one death out of thousands of successful treatments yet did not explain the details of what complications caused the man's death. Even in routine surgeries there are risks of complications. The Arab-Canadian man who died may have had a genetically caused abnormality to his blood vessels that could have been screened out if more experience is gained in this new procedure.

Search >Steve McQueen 1980 Cancer William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S. Racket "dead Tumor fell out" Laetrile<

Search >"Breast Cancer Deception"<

Video search >run from the cure the Rick Simpson story full<

Search >Royal Rife cancer cure genius silenced by medical mafia<

Search >the Beck Protocol AIDS OR cancer<

Video search >Gerson Therapy<

Video search >Simoncini cancer cure<

Video search >Royal Rife<

Search >Budwig diet<

The Quackwatch and similar such web sites are sponsored by money from the conventional medical system. Such a site presents a very slanted view point. Certain facts are argued from perspectives that can trick you into believing that the tycoon's monopoly over medical care must be maintained or you risk death from "questionable" other methods. However, some completely valid arguments are presented on these sites. If suitable research papers are not cited against a treatment method, they instead quote an opinion editorial by a biased medical practitioner that so and so treatment is worthless, in their opinion--which is worse than a patient testimonial because of all of the financially vested interests involved.

There are many kinds of cancer and many are related to tissue damage that causes the body's own repair mechanisms and estrogen hormones to trigger cell colonies to turn malignant. In this malignant state, the cancer cells do not obey programmed cell death, and operate in a sugar fermentation metabolic state (resembling that of a fungus) rather than normal mitochondrial oxidation metabolic state. The tissue damage that was the initial trigger that set everything in motion must be halted. This damage can be caused by microbe infections, or exposure to toxins.

Video search >cantron<

Video search >alpha omega cansema<

Certainly a questionable method of cancer treatment is one where there are no survivors who have lived passed 5 or so years. These methods certainly will have few if any testimonials--video or otherwise.

Video search >Ty Bollinger<

An indication is strongly put forward that current breast cancer funding is being put towards providing conventional treatment (not necessarily into research) and early detection publicity (examinations and x-ray screenings).

X-ray and radiotherapy are cancer inducing because they cause generalized tissue damage from ionizing radiation on all affected cells so exposed. Biopsies can poke a leak in tissues loaded with the cancer trigger or the cancer cells themselves, thereby causing the uncontrolled spread of the disease.

Critics of the funding pattern say that more funds should go into prevention like elevating serum levels of vitamin D that have recently been proven to reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases such as cancer. Video search >vitamin D Prevention of Autoimmune and Chronic Diseases< In this video, Dr. Micheal Hollick M.D. a scientific researcher of UV B sunlight generated vitamin D for prevention of bone loss, rickets, autoimmune and chronic diseases discusses how Rockefeller medical professionals trick people into thinking vitamin D overdose is a serious toxic event, but shows that a lawyer taking 2 million units per day did so for years until the ill effects were finally noticed. The reasons for the low recommended daily allowance is to cause deficiency diseases so that physicians can diagnose and treat these needless illnesses with pills and hospital stays--medicine, like war, is a racket.

I recommend that you view all cancer videos that you can find. Research suppressed science, medicine, cures, etc--and try to verify who is behind it all.

Here is another interesting topic about how laws of free societies were influenced to become maritime / commerce law instead of law of the land... Almost all statutes are constructed by dominant members of society to drain you financially if you submit and understand (stand under and support) the enforcement of your own punishment.

Video search >"freeman on the land" Adrian Vince Dominic part 1<

Video search >bursting bubbles of government deception<

Video search >"The magnificent deception" Robert Menard<

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15y ago

Over $100 million dollars. Check out the website for more information!

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12y ago

komen foundation invest up to 2 billion dollars in breast cancer research

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12y ago

approx- $500,000,000

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11y ago

Six billion dollars a year

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