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For best results, you need a full glass of nutmeg and just the slightest splash of milk to create more of a paste and then enjoy in your favorite mayonnaise-containing sandwich as a heavy spread

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Q: How much nutmeg powder should be used in milk if taken everyday?
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What is the recommended dosage of nutmeg in Western herbalism?

250-500 mg of nutmeg mixed with other herbs is recommended, once or twice a day. It can be taken in powder plain, capsules, pills, or infusion, and should be taken on an empty stomach. And more . . .

What is the best Protein Shake powder-cost-quality-and how often should it be taken?

I would say that the dark green powder called "Vega" would be the best. It has all vitamins and anti-oxidents in it; enough to live on. If you took one scoop of it everyday you'll be quite healthy. :)

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Medication should only be taken as directed. You should not open a capsule and consume the powder inside as you may have a negative reaction.

What kind of a high does ground nutmeg give you?

Nutmeg, when taken in excess, is hallucinogenic. Be careful though, more than 3 cloves causes system failure, and even death.

Which fire extinguishers put out oil fires?

Type 'B' which can be used on petrol, diesel or oils. That is either a Foam or a Powder extinguisher. Foam extinguishers usually contain additives that are carcinogenic. Care should be taken with the cleaning up process after the fire has been put out. Care should be taken whilst using powder units in confined spaces, do not inhale the powder

Can you smoke nutmeg and get high?

No, if youre really desperate eat a lot of it

Can nutmeg kill?

Yes, consuming excessive amounts of nutmeg can potentially be harmful and even fatal. Nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin, which in large doses can cause hallucinations, delirium, seizures, and heart problems. While nutmeg is commonly used as a spice in small amounts, ingesting large quantities for its psychoactive effects can lead to severe health complications. It's essential to use nutmeg responsibly and in moderation to avoid adverse effects.

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Should Triphala be taken with meals before or after meals?

Triphala can be taken daily. As a digestive tonic and laxative, it is best taken in the evening, about two hours after eating, and at least 30 minutes before bedtime. No food should be eaten for one and a half hours after ingestion. Tablets and capsules can be swallowed, while the powder can be mixed thoroughly in a small amount of cold or warm water. The powder can also be simmered in water and drunk as a medicinal tea.

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If an animal swallows pink extinct odor control powder they should be taken to the vet. This can poison the animal if the dose is large enough. Immediate action is required.

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