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According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, over 60% of methane emissions come from human activities. The remaining 40% is emitted from other sources such as wetlands, where bacteria decomposes organic materials in anaerobic conditions (oxygen free). Other sources of methane release include termites, oceans, sediments, volcanoes, and wildfires.

Carbon dioxide is the main contributor to greenhouse gases, and makes up about two thirds of greenhouse gases produced by human activities. However, weight for weight the contribution of methane to greenhouse gases is comparatively 21 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 100 year period. So although methane 'pollution' is relatively low it is amongst the worst of greenhouse gases.

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Q: How much pollution does methane produce?
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Does Pollution give off methane?

no, methane is part of pollution! the main contributors to pollution and global warming are:CO2 (carbon dioxide)CH2 (methane)and i don't know the third, sorry!

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the main one is cars which puts tonnes of carbon dioxide into the air, another is methane gas which comes from everyone and also cows produce several tonnes of methane everyday

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no because every year cows produce the same amount of methane dioxide as cars so its cows as well

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None. Cows produce methane, not methame.

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Yes it does because the gasses in the passing of gas can pollute the air but not that much. Some people think that pollution just happens from machines but it can by natural causes too. Human methane production is not significant. Cows produce much more methane gas than humans do. This is a concern because methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Methane from cattle tends to come from belches (cows have multiple stomachs) than from cow flatulence (gas passing).

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What are bacteria that produce methane called?

Methanogens which are archaebacteria found in the domain Archaea produce Methane! :]

How much methane dose rice produce?

Enough to get you high. I know what Im talking about.

How much pollution does an average factory produce a day?

sorry- no such thing as an "average factory". It depends on what they make, and the controls they have in placed. Some factories produce NO pollution.