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Q: How much tar and nicotene is in second hand smoke?
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How does second hand smoke affect people?

Second hand smoke people in different ways, if they are around a person that smokes everyday then that isn't good because believe it or not people that inhale second hand smoke can also die or get lung cancer. Also if you second hand smoke you can still have tar in your lungs but not as much as a regular smoker has. Hope that helped!! :) :)

Does second hand smoke drain stamina for sports?

Yes, though it varies depending on how much second hand smoke that has been inhaled and whether its just cigarette smoke or not. If you avoid exposure to second smoke altogether than it shouldn't be a problem, but that is very difficult for some, well prolong exposure to second hand smoke will effect the lungs which can lead to shortness of breath and less stamina.

How many chemicals are in second hand smoke?

You will inhale just as much as you were puffing on one

What happens when you second hand smoke?

Second hand smoke, or passive smoking can be just as harmful to you as it is to the person smoking first hand. You want to be careful that you do not hang around people who smoke too much as you could develop the same diseases and problems even if you do not ever touch a cigarette.

How do you get second hand marijauan smoke out of your system?

Second hand marijuana smoke (unless maby you are all in a sealed car and 4 other people pass out from smoking too much) is not detectable in a drug test.

What can you do to avoid the dangers of second hand smoke?

Removing yourself from a smoke filled environment, or wearing a respirator wherever you go.. but the first would be much easier.

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Can you come out dirty for second hand smoke?

Depends on what you mean by "dirty" Second hand smoke causes the same risks as smoking yourself - cancer, loss of the sense of taste and smell, coughing, etc. You also stink just as much after you have been with a smoker as the smoker stinks.

Can you fail a drug test by inhaling second hand smoke from marijuana?

If you are a habitual user you will need 25-30 days to pass a urine drug test (but allot relies on your height,weight,physical activity,how much you smoke,etc..) and second hand smoke would not make you fail

What will second hand smoke do to you?

Second hand smoke can lead to the same effects of the actual smoker. There a studies that suggest that it has a worst effect than that of the smoker's; however, these studies have not been extensively researched. In a overview second hand smoke can (Allegedly) cause lung cancer, health problems, and increase your chances of heart attack, stroke, asthma related death, etc.

Can you get marijuana in your system by second hand smoke?

Yes it is possible. Although the chance of you being around second hand marijuanna smoke and it showing up on a drug test is very low. There has to be a decent quantity of THC in your system for it to show up on a test.

If you can smell smoke does it affect you still?

If you can smell smoke then you are inhaling it. The smell is the smoke. However, if its across a distance, the effect will not be bad. Many gases have no scent. Certain pollutants don't affect you as much as others, if it were a cigarett it would be second hand smoke. Not as damaging as first hand, but it certainly does not benefit you. Yet things like insence can do quite the opposite.