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Aggravated assault is considered to be a felony. The punishment is between one and twenty years. The actual punishment will be determined by the individual facts of a case and what jurisdiction you are in. The judge will make a final determination of the sentence.

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In California that all depends on what they are classifying as a deadly weapon & also what your criminal history is. What level of damage was done may also be an issue that determines how much jail time that you get.

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Q: How much time would you get being a convicted felony for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon?
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aggrevated assualt with a deadly weapon is where you cause serious injury, perment or deforming, with a deadly weapon or contraband.

What is the statue of limitation for Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in Texas?

It would be classified as a felony. That has a limitation of 3 to 5 years in Texas.

In the state of NM what is the jail time for 1st time aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and the victim doesn't want to press charges?

Aggravated assault is a fourth degree felony in NM, punishable by imprisonment of from one to five years. Use of a firearm in aggravated assault, is a mandatory 6-10 years.

Is assault with a firearm in Louisiana a felony?

Yes, assault with a firearm is a felony in Louisiana. It may also carry with it aggravated assault.

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ask the judgeAdded; Facing those multiple serious felony offense - I seriously doubt it.

How many years in Arkansas can you get for aggravated assault - class d - felony?

The punishment for aggravated assault in Arkansas is up to 6 years in jail and up to a $10,000.00 fine.

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Aggravated Assault is a felony, so if the defendant is granted bond, it will be at least $5,000, meaning $500 must be paid to the court clerk for supervised-release.

Is aggravated assault a felony or misdemeanor?

Aggravated assault is a felony in most, if not all states. Usually this crime is committed when a person threatens another with a weapon or an advantage of size or strength (in the latter case, for example, if the victim is a petite woman and the perp is a burly man).

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Was Everett Menking released from Holliday Correctional Facility?

Yes, Unfortunately! How do you get released after only serving 8 months out of your 4 year sentence?!? And no, this was NOT his first felony! He was convicted of Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon in 2000.

Your assault case was dismissed can you put no on a job application if ever convicted of a felony?

if the case was dismissed you were not convicted. you can truthfully answer no.

Can you own a gun in KY if you have been arrested for assault?

Arrested? Yes. Convicted? Not if the assault was a felony, or against a domestic partner.