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Female koalas can meet their water requirement by eating eucalyptus leaves and do not need to drink additional water. Males drink some water in addition to what they get from leaves.

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Q: How much water do koala bears drink a day?
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Why are koalas called a koala bear?

Koalas have some resemblance to a teddy bear, hence the nickname. In Australia, they are not known as "koala bears". This term began to be phased out during the mid-twentieth century, but has remained popular with overseas visitors.

Are koala bears fat?

Some are if they eat to much leaves and they are really lazy so yah.

How much is a koala?

1. You cannot buy a koala. Koalas are protected by law, and the average citizen does not realise which specialised eucalypts they can eat. 2. Koalas are not bears either.

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How does wasting water effect the polar bears?

When you waste water, your affecting the whole earth basically. So the polar bears live in the poles, and sinse global warming is going on this very minute we need to save as much water as possible to make it freeze. Polar bears need ice to live on, they get tired by moving a lot.

How much is a koala bear?

"How much can a koala bear" is a facetious Australian saying, not often used anymore, that reflects complete disillusionment. When faced with difficult circumstances, some Australians have been known to utter this phrase. It is not known how or why the saying developed, but it partially arose out of the frustration associated with the fact that koalas are not bears yet overseas visitors insist on calling them "koala bears". In this phrase, the word "bear" is used as a verb, not a noun, but it is a play on the erroneous calling of koalas "koala bears".

How much a koala sleep?

First of all, koalas aren't bears. They're marsupials, like kangaroos. They sleep 16 to 18 hours a day.

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How do Gerbil drink water?

Not much In human portions not alot. But a gerbil will drink as much as it can.

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A lot