

Best Answer

3-4 inches.

2 inches would suffice.

answer- the first answer is only for like hatchling turtles. you should only put water above the turtle so it can lift its head out to bread

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Q: How much water should you put in a turtles tank?
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Where should you get the water to put in a turtles tank?

You can just use regular water. In the summer/warm weather, I clean my turtles' tank outside with my hose. I also use faucet water. If you'd like to know how I specifically clean my turtles' tank, please contact me or reply to this answer.

What size of tank should small turtles be in?

About a 20 gallon tank.

Does it need more water than land?

Most of a turtles tank should be water a quarter should be land because water keeps it hydrated and strong and health and land just dries him/her out!!

Can Turtles Die from too much water in the Tank?

No, AQUATIC turtles are great swimmers, I keep mine in a tank that 20 inches tall filled to the top and the turtles are only 1.5 & 2.25 inches in shell length. Red ear sliders, in the wild use deep water for protection from raccoons and other harmful animals.

Can you add salt to a red eared slider turtle tank?

no RES turtles are fresh water turtles

How do you take care of a sea turtle?

Ideally a sea turtle should have a large saltwater tank with both water and land surfaces. The water should be regularly cleaned and changed out when too dirty. The tank should not be in direct sunlight. Sea turtles have a different diet than land turtles, and can include small bait fish that have been frozen or otherwise sterilized.

Can turtles be taken out of the tank?

Yes, they can live in dry land or in water :)

Can a diamondback turtle live in a tank with a Oscar fish?

NO! Turtles are reptiles and should be kept in a vivarium never in an aquarium with fish. Reptiles and amphibians will foul the water and the fish will not survive.

Can 2 female water turtles in the same tank?

If the tank is large enough and the turtles are compatible. If there is aggression, separate immediately. The general rule of thumb is 10 gallons of water for every inch of shell. So, if you have two 4 inch turtles, you need at least 80 gallons of water. Bottom walking turtles don't need that much water because they don't "swim" (they can, but generally don't), and my general rule of thumb for musks is 10 gallons for every 2 inches of shell.

What do water turtles play?

I have ping pong balls in my tank for my guys to play with.

How much water do you put in my turtles tank?

aslong as as the turtles are used to deep water and are able to come to the top of the water to breath it doesnt matter >But make sure they cant escape.You could slowly increase the level of of water once a week to make the good swimmers

How long should hot water from a 40 gallon tank last?

That depends on how much water is drawn from the tank and how often it is drawn.