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i am 1.8m and was around 82.5kg. By limiting my calories to below a 1000, i lost around 5.5kg first week and around 2.5kg on the 2nd week.

But i coupled that with either swimming, jogging or cycling almost everyday of the week.

I guess it also depend on your metabolism (higher burn more energy) and also your lean muscle mass (muscle burns more energy too).

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Q: How much weight can a person lose on a 900 calorie high protein high fiber diet?
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If a person eats a larger amount of protein then should it increase its fiber or carbohydrates?

Yes, the body needs carbs for fuel, protein takes longer to break down in the body, if you are eating all protein, a good low calorie carb with help, especially with giving the body fiber. If you do not eat some carbs, the body will break down its own fat to get the carbs, resulting in weight loss.

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You can gradually lose weight by eating three meals a day. Watch your calorie intack which is 2500 or less. Eat high protein and fiber foods and walk at least 30 minutes a day.

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No, dietary fiber is not a protein. It is carbohydrate but does not contribute too much to your total calories. Including sufficient dietary fiber in the diet is good for weight loss and proper health

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A person can eat a variety of foods that will help you lose weight faster. Choose foods that have less calories and more fiber, as well as protein instead of fat.

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There are diets that use low-calorie smoothies. They are packed with fiber and protein so they will make you feel full and satisfied longer. There are many websites online where recipes for these smoothies can be found.

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The 100 calorie diet is one of the most popular. But in everyday life you need more then just 100 calories to be considered healthy. A good diet is high in fiber, protein and plenty of exercise.

Can Green apples cause weight loss?

Basically apples are high in fiber; each apple contains 5 grams of fiber. By eating 3 apples a day we will get 15 grams of fiber in a day, which is half amount of fiber you should have a day. Apples used to call as negative calorie food, these are taking more calories while chewing and digesting actually what they had given to us. A fiber intake is key to the weight loss, so we can expect weight loss by consuming apples.

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Calories, protein, fiber, fat.

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The easiest and fastest diet available is the tried and true method of lowering your calorie intake and adding exercise to your routine. You want to eliminate your intake of high calorie, high fat food items and increase your intake of low calorie, high fiber food items.

What are the best Fitness foods out there ?

The best Fitness food is celery and corn because it has so much fiber and roughage that you will lose weight from passing it out of your body. They are negative calorie foods.