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How much weight you can lose in a month by drinking water and doing crunches every night also depends upon other factors. These include you start weight, gender, age, diet, metabolism and how many crunches you do each night.

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Q: How much weight can you loose in a month drinking water and doing crunches every night?
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Im drinking meal replacements for every meal and doing 1000 crunches a day will I get abs?

Yes, you will get abs as long as you continue doing this. Daily exercise is very healthy for you.

Is it bad to do crunches every day?

It is not bad to do crunches every day. This is unless you overdo the crunches to the point of pain.

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After I stopped drinking, weight stayed on me until I started working out, pushups, crunches.. then the weight came off, 20- 25 lbs in 2 months.used to drink 10 shots of vodka every night for 5 years.

Drinking water with every meal does it increase weight loss?

water weighs so no

I am considering doing this to loss weight. Is it hard to be a vegetarian one week out of every month?

It's not hard at all. There are many types of vegetarians and it's very easy and drinking a lot of water while on it will make u loose the weight twice as fast.

How soon could you flatten your stomach if you did 1000 crunches a day and ate a well-balanced diet?

Very soon. 2-3 weeks. 1000 crunches a day is a lot. If you can do that at all you are in good shape anyway. yeah seriously, if you can do 1000 good on ya! you don't need to be doing them! i can barely get 400 done on a good day and I've been exercising every day for 3 months i can do 1,000 crunches a day and I'm only 16.the results are fast, last, and make you feel great!it's not that hard once you get used to it. ya crunches are easy for me now, i stopped counting cause once i hit 1000 it's pointless, try using different teqniques and add weights if your body weight isn't enough.

How do you do get beautiful abs?

Well to get ripped abbs you need to have a low carb high protein diet meaning, eat more vegetables/fruits and fish/red meat. The best thing to do once you change your diet is to do crunches every night. The best thing is to do 20 crunches, break and repeat 3 more times. If you find this too easy try doing crunches with a weight behind your head, or if its too hard for you just do less. If you have excessive stomach fat you will have to lose that before your abs will show, that can be done by running 30 minutes every night, and with a low calorie diet. If you don't know how to do crunches please see this video. For best advise talk to a personal fitness trainer.

How do you lose ten pounds fast?

by doing every day excercise, lift, jim, runing, drinking water,

How much weight can you loose from drinking green tea everyday?

I will not recommend this being done because when you limit you diet to this extreeme ur body lack nutrients, Protien ect. Your body will be unable to function. If you really have you heart set on doing this don't do it for 40 days because that's way to much. Do it for two or three weeks.

Is it bad to do crunchs 3 times a day everyday?

It depends on how many you're doing. If you're doing 3 sets of 3 crunches 3 times a day, I would say no unless you have some kind of strange medical condition. If you're doing 3 sets of 3,000 crunches 3 times a day every'll injure yourself. Just pay attention to your body and how sore you are. Your abs are just like any other muscle in your body...if you work them too hard you will harm them. If you are just starting out, I would recommend that you work your way up to doing 3 sets of 25 crunches 3 times a day, 3 days a week. When you can do that comfortably, start doing 4 sets of 25 crunches 3 times a day, 3 days a week.

Will crunches achieve a flat stomach?

Only if you are consistant with them and do them every day. Sooo...yes. ;)

Will doing 35 pushups every other day increase the length of your backhand spring?

no this will not improve the length of your backhand spring sit ups and crunches are more likely to improve the length of you're backhand spring