

How much weight did Jared the Subway guy lose?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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13y ago

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He lost 245 pounds, through a combination of diet and exercise. The diet consisted of a 6 inch sandwich for lunch and a 12 inch for dinner, no cheese or mayo. It is claimed that the exercise portion was mainly walking to and from Subway twice a day, but apparently he also walked to his college classes more once he got below 300 pounds.

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Q: How much weight did Jared the Subway guy lose?
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199 - 135 = 64 lbs is the weight you should lose !!

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10 lbs

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Watch what you eat, do one lap or 2 everyday if you can,get good sleep,Drink Plenty of water (but not to much) Don't eat to much junk food and the best place to eat for this (this I believe) Subway get wheat bread with spinach.