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On a so-called "factory farm," otherwise known as a feedlot, beefers are often fed twice a day on a planned, "restricted" diet known as "full feed," which is another word for a group of cattle being fed so much per feeding so that they clean up the bunk and leave almost nothing behind until the next feeding. Cattle are fed early morning and late afternoon.

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Q: How often are beef cattle fed in factory farm?
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What is beef farming?

Raise beef cattle for the purpose of turning those animals into meat. "Beef farm" is a very generic term, as it can refer to beef cow-calf operations or feedlot operations (and everything else in between.)

What type of farm produces beef?

A cattle farm, particularly one where beef cows are bred to raise beef calves intended for the supper table.

What do you get from beef cows?

Beef calves. Beef cows are mature female bovines that have had a calf, and are primarily used in cow-calf production to produce calves that are raised and slaughtered for beef. However, when the beef cow is no longer productive, she gets slaughtered and turned into hamburger and sausages.

What is the advantage of cattle farming?

One advantage of a cattle farm is that by producing beef, people have a way to tap otherwise unusable energy, vitamins and minerals.

What is secondary farming?

Secondary farming in its simplest definition is something a farmer does to promote a primary purpose of the farm. For example, if a farmer has a beef cattle ranch, secondary farming might be the growing of hay to feed the beef cattle.

What does it take for a beef cattle facility to be considered organic?

Approximately 3 years to convert your farm including animals and crops.

What animals live in Germany that are being used on a farm?

cattle of course Germans eat beef more than anything

Does different types of beef have different flavor?

Yes it does. Although all beef comes from cattle, it can taste different depending on what the cattle were fed during their lifetime. Also, taste depends on the fat content the beef has, and what cut it is. Lots of people don't ever notice. --farm girl.

What state produces the most beef?

The top five beef producing states are Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska and South Dakota. Beef cattle production represents the largest single segment of American agriculture. More farms were classified as beef cattle operations than any other type of farm in the U.S.A.

What products does Alberta export?

Alberta Canada imports wines, cheeses, beers, cars, and electronic goods. Alberta exports oil and gas.

Does Arkansas cattle farm?

Many farmers in Arkansas raise cattle, but I wouldn't say that "Arkansas" either is 'a' cattle farm or 'cattle farm(s)'. :)

What do farmers do when they are not watching their cattle?

Cattle don't need to be watched, unlike sheep and chickens do. Cattle can look after themselves enough that the farmer doesn't need to watch them all that often. Other things on the farm or ranch can be attended to, like haying, fixing fence, doing repairs on machinery, etc. The only "Cattle" Farmers are called Dairy Farmers and they are either milking, feeding, breeding, or doctoring the Dairy Cattle, usually when you speak of cattle it is beef cattle.