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7 days a week for 1 hour minimum

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Q: How often do you have to be physically active to stay physically fit?
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How do you spell fit?

The word meaning "physically active" is spelt correctly in the question.

How often do you need to work out to stay physically fit?

An hour a day, but im fine on doing that 3 days a week. Hope this helps :) xx

Characteristics of a physically educated person?

A physically educated person will know how to keep their body in shape and how to avoid injury. They will tend to be active and physically fit.

How do you build an energetic and fit body?

Eat healthy and stay active.

Why do you have to be physically fit?

Because it makes me looking beautiful. It ensures us to be brisk or active on everything that we are doing.

How much exercise is considered physically active?

about half an hour to keep the blood pumping and the heart fit

What is the best way to stay fit during the holiday season?

The best way to stay fit during the holiday season is to keep active and eat healthy.

How often do you go on pilgrimage?

It is often viewed once in your life is sufficient. If you are not physically fit enough or cannot afford such a journey, it can be forgiven.

Highlights on staying active and fit?

if you want to stay active and fit especailly during the summer, then why not take up jogging or even mild running. jogging is a great way to stay on your toes and makes people feel good about them selves after they have been for a 1-5mile run.

Can dancing make as physically fit?

yes, dancing helps your body stay in shape. it gives you good strong muscles and flexibility.

How does soccer help you become fit?

It helps you stay fit because your always in motion. Runnng around on the field chasing the ball. Its a very active sport.

Was William Shakespeare fit?

There is no definitive evidence to confirm whether William Shakespeare was physically fit or not. However, his various activities such as acting, writing, and travelling suggest that he led an active lifestyle.