

How often will you see rice paddies in India?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How often will you see rice paddies in India?
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India trades with China a lot. And lately America with silks and clothes and stuff. Main export. RICE! Rice, rice, rice is all you see in India and they trade it bunch too. ever heard of basmati? that's Indian and everyone is using it. They are worldwide and they have products from other countries too. I mean they arent really enemies with anyone. Oh yeah, UK is a big trading ally

What is boiled rice?

- Plain cooked white rice can be called "boiled rice". - Also, boiled rice is a special kind of rice which is famous in south India. It's a bit reddish brown in color. It's called Boiled rice because it takes a little more time to cook than normal rice. It's rich in starch and keeps your body cool. See the pic in the Related Link below -

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No, you simply can't gamble and drink when women are around. In North America the rivers are characterized as the channel of life that run through the lands. No matter what continent, the rivers' banks will always harbor life for the major trees and dominant plant species indigenous to the particular. As for North America and South Eastern Asia, the banks of rivers are often characterized by oak, American elm, and maple. But as for North Western Japan, you see ching chong trees, rice paddies, and landmine.

What are the benefits of using a rice steamer?

Long-grain white rice is rinsed before cooking to remove excess starch. Removing the starch makes the rice cook more evenly and it makes the cooked rice less sticky. In the U.S., if you rinse the rice, you are rinsing away vitamins, minerals, and iron. Rice is fortified with vitamins, minerals and iron that is applied on the rice. It's up to you whether you want to wash your rice before cooking it. In India we usually see that the rice is mixed with some acid boric in order to prevent the rice from insects that causes the grains to destroy so we have to remove this powder forwhich we have to wash the rice before cooking

Is wild rice grain?

No. It's actually a grass. (see:

Is wild rice a grain?

No. It's actually a grass. (see:

Where can you see the barashingha in India?

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How can i make chicken food from rice husks?

Since rice hulls have very little nutritional value they are most often used as litter or bedding instead of feed. However they can be used as a filler. It would be best to contact the poultry nutritionist in your local feed mill to see what he recommends.

Quaker oats product rice?

Quaker Oats has a few rice products: * Rice cakes * Rice snacks * Puffed Rice See Related Links.

What animals feed directly on rice plant?

The most common rice plant pests include, but are not limited to: The rice leaf-roller, brown plant-hoppers, rats, panicle rice mites, rice weevils, rice gall midges, stemborers, and rice bugs. As an added note, see the related link below for some really cool pictures of Rice Field Art In Japan: