

How old are Bettas when you buy them?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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11y ago

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Bettas are typically about 2 years old when you buy them at it takes that length of time to grow their flowing fins; the females may be slightly younger since they do not grow fins like a male.

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Q: How old are Bettas when you buy them?
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How old are bettas that breed?

Bettas breed when surprisingly young. They are most fertile starting at 3-5 months old, even before a males fins have developed to their full eventual size. Bettas in petstores are usually around two years old, pretty but past their prime and no longer of as much use to the suppliers.

Can you get female bettas?

Yes you can buy female bettas. the females have small fins and are smaller than the males. also the males usually are more colorful than the females.

When were bettas first found?

to buy a betta a local pet store or you can buy them online, they origanaly came form china and suronding countries

Why does betta fish stink?

This maybe is because old rotted food is in your bettas water.

What are the differences between girl bettas and boy bettas?

Boy bettas have really big fins and are very colorful, and girl bettas are pretty much the opposite!

Where to buy the prettiest bettas at?

Visit all the pet shops and choose the one you prefer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What country are bettas from?

Bettas originate from Southeast Asia.

Bettas and goldfish?

Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!

Why do boy bettas hate other boy bettas?

bettas are very territorial fish, the males fight for their territiory.

How do you breed Japanese bettas?

the same as all the other bettas

What is a good replacement for a almond leaf when breeding bettas?

those chemical you buy at the store that comes in a little bottle for aqurium

How old do bettas have to be to mate?

About 4 months, perhaps even less. They usually stop breeding after a year.