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around six and nine months

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Q: How old are cats when they are in heat male and female?
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Can you get your kitten neutered if shes in heat?

Male cats don't go into heat. Male cats can be neutered at any time. Female cats may also be spay at any time. If you suspect your female cat is pregnant, inform the veterinarian in advance.

Do male cats make better pets than female cats?

yes it's a territory thing!Another AnswerHow much a cat urinates depends on what it is fed, and how much water it drinks. Gender has no factor.An intact (not neutered) male cat will spray as many surfaces as possible to mark out territory and to attract a female. Unspayed female cats do this also to some extent. Neutered cats, female or male, do not urinate more than the other.

I have a 9 month old shihtzu female puppy and a male 11 month old shihtzu male puppy I didn't realize my female had gone into heat until it was 2 latethey got stuck togetheeis she pregnant now?

When a 9 month old shih tzu female puppy and a male 11 month old puppy get stuck together when the female had gone into heat, it is possible she can be pregnant.

How do you know when you boy kitten is on heat?

A cat's season is usually every two to four weeks, with each season lasting around two weeks. Cats will start to meow and almost howl and it can get quite annoying as they will not stop, they become almost too friendly. They stick their hind end in the air constantly and if they are indoor cat they will often try to get out or you may see male cats hanging about. It is best to spay a female cat before her first heat, so before she reaches six months old is the ideal age.

Can your male 7 mnth old cat go into heat or start acting weird because the other household animal dog is in heat?

cats can go into heat from 6 months on ---------- No, cats are like humans. They only go into heat when needed.

If my 5 month old male is hooking up with my female in heat is he going to impregnate her?

Extremely likely.

Do fixed male cats respond to females in heat?

I have an older ginger male stray who we took in when he was (approximately) 8 years old... he's since been fixed, but still attempts to mount a younger girl cat we have when she's on heat. Gotta give him points for trying :)

When can male cats breed?

Generally speaking, the mating process in cats is brief, but often very loud. Cats usually mate multiple times, often with different partners if they are nearby. A male cat has no part in caring for the female cat or her kittens when they arrive.

Can a cat go into heat at 4 months old?

Yes. Although, 4 months is the absolute youngest age that a female cat can go into heat. Many female cats do not start going into heat until they are 6 to 8 months old. My female cat did not start going into heat until she was 8 months old.

What type of cat is better female or male?

A female cat will have fits every month when she's in heat, unless she's spayed, and male cats can spray urine on walls if he feels his territory is threatened (e.g. other cats, rowdy dogs). I've had a pair of Siamese sisters for two years and they're the best cats ever. I've had males in the past, and fixed/unfixed cats of both gender, but I personally prefer spayed females. They're more chill than their male counterparts.AnswerI find male cats are a lot sweeter, while females tend to be "stuck up" and fend for themselves. fixed and unfixed. Often, female cats may be described as: disdainful, independent, cool, unfriendly, cheerless, etc. Male cats are proven to be more friendly and loving, but they may also be needy, which doesn't work with a busy owner. I would fully suggest a male cat, however in a strange case, my 9-year-old female housecat is attracted to male members of my family and is very friendly with them. She avoids me and other female members of the family. However, her 7-year-old daughter is bonded to me and my mother alone. We don't know what caused this but we believe that Crystal (the mother) was abused by a female person before we adopted her at about two years old. She is very timid and shy and we were informed upon adopting her that she had been abused and then abandoned.

How old does a male Chihuahua mate a girl Chihuahua?

a male chihuahua will mate with a female chihuahua when she is in heat (AKA ovulating, on her period) they can sense it and then have the urge to mate.

Why does my 3 yr old female dane refuse to mate with my 5 yr old male dane when she comes in heat?

not sexy enough!!! lol