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James Madison, born March 16, 1751, was 36 years old when he, Hamilton and Jay began writing the essays in 1787, and 37 years old when they completed their mission in June 1788.

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Q: How old was James Madison when he finished writing the bill of rights?
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Who was most responsible fro writing the Bill of Rights?

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Did James Madison like writing the Bill of Rights?

yes he did like writing it. he also wrote it on his time when he had nothing to do.

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James Madison wrote what became known as the bill of rights

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James Madison was the writer of the Bill of rights since the bill of rights is just the name given to the first 10 amendments of the U. S. Constitution and James Madison wrote the constitution. James Madison

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It wasn't up to Madison because he was one of many. The constitution is a compromise document and the men who wrote it did it as a group. The Bill of Rights had to be written and then voted on by the states.

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the bill of rights the bill of rights the bill of rights

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