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You can be sure after a month if not earlier.

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Q: How old will kittens be when you can tell their sex?
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How can you tell the sex of kittens?

look under.

How do you find the sex of a cat?

It is difficult to tell the sex of young kittens.

How would you sex 4 black 8 week old kittens? This website should help

How do cats get kittens?

sex to a anther one

Why do insects eat dead kittens?

Because they like to sex

What helps a mother cat produce milk for her kittens?

Cats nurse kittens until the kittens are about four or five weeks old. At this age, kittens begin to wean and are able to eat soft kitten food. The mother cat's teets will dry and retract slightly. The only true way to tell if a cat is still nursing kittens is through observation.

When a cat has kittens how long can it stay gone?

That depends how old the kittens are.

Can cats tell when kittens are a mile away?

yes cats can tell when there kittens are a mile away and state to become worried about them after about a 20 mile separation

Why did your male cats leave your home when your female cat had kittens?

The male cat doesn't take part in the raising of the kittens it really doesn't care about the kittens just the female and the sex

In detail what do you do in sex?

In detail - how old are you? You can find answers at the library. You can find answers online. No one is going to tell you how to have sex.

When will you be able to tell the sex of your kittens?

Young kittens are very difficult to correctly sex. The genitals only start to visibly develop once the kitten is at least two or three weeks old. The best way to tell what gender a cat is, it by looking underneath the base of its tail. A male cat that has not been neutered will have two furry testicles right below the anus, and a penis right below the testicles. A neutered male cat will not have visible testicles, but there will be a noticeable space between its anus and penis. Spayed and intact female cats alike will have a genital opening (vulva) which is a tear-drop shape located right below the anus.

Where do six week old kittens originate?

The mother cat gives birth to the kittens.