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Some panpipes and flutes have an amplifier that sticks inside the Flute. Others are amplified using a microphone. Panpipes are loud enough that unless playing with an orchestra, one seldom needs to amp them.

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14y ago

The pipes are called resonators. Each one is at a specific length so the column of air contained inside resonates at the same frequency as the bar above it, so when the bar is hit the air moves too. Since there is now more matter vibrating, the sound is louder.

The same principle applies to speakers. The larger the speaker cone (ie. more material vibrating), the larger the sound. Some speakers will also have a cabinet specifically shaped to have a resonant bulk of air inside it to improve bass sounds.

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Q: How pipes amplify the sound of xylophone?
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Sound is produced by the vibrations created by objects. The wooden stick of the xylophone striking its metal part creates a vibration that produces the xylophone's sound.

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The biggest bar on the xylophone is the lowest sound.

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Resonance can amplify sound by vibrating at the same frequency as the sound waves, causing it to resonate and produce a louder sound. This can be used in musical instruments such as guitars and pianos to create richer and more vibrant tones. Tuning the instrument to specific resonant frequencies helps to achieve the desired sound quality.

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if connected correctly the soundbar should amplify everything your tv is playing

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You have to amplify the sound.

Why was the xylophone invented?

it was invented because people wanted to make an instrument that they could use to make a high pitched bell sound by banging 2 sticks or bones on metal or wood pipes!

How do you eavesdrop?

Put a cup on a door to amplify the sound from inside the room. Has to be glass. Or you can put your head to the wall or door. Sometimes you can put your ear against a pipe that is connected to pipes in the next room.

What sound does X have in this word xylophone?

In that word, X has a Z sound.

Can you name the parts of the xylophone?

The round cylindrical tubes are called resonaters, they amplify the noise, next are the keys, they are the wood bars you strike. Last, the frame is what elevates it off the floor. That is a very basic description of a xylophone.

Does a audio mixer amplify sound?

Most mixers do not amplify the sound. However, there are some rack-mountable ones that do amplify it. If you are working with a regular mixer, you will need amplifiers built into your speakers or a separate amplifier