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Q: How quick do you die from a black mamba bite Q?
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What does a mamba snake look like?

if a black mamba the hole body is black or black and some stripes they are the most deadly snakes and they are poisonous and one bite you die and they are fast snakes most are in the souther area of our world you know what im saying i know your gonna say IN THE ANTARCTICA so yeah so hope this works or look in what does a black mamba look like

Will you die if black mamba bites on your neck?

If medical care is not immediately sought, the patient would be very likely to die, as black mamba venom is some of the most potent in the world.

Can you die from a black mamba snake?

Without treatment - almost certainly !

What is the eastern African green mamba best known for?

Being extremely poisonous! Their bite contains a potentially lethal venom that acts very quickly- it IS treatable with serum if dealt with quickly enough, but nonetheless the victim will be made very ill, and if the bite is not treated, then they could die. There is also another snake called the Black Mamba, which is similarly dangerous.

What happens to a black mamba after it has bitten a person?

it starts to die and swell up

Can you eat a black mamba?

No, but if they bite you, you will die in a half hour

What can kill a black mamba snake?

many of the snakes you would expect. The king cobra, the rattlesnake, etc. Most of them, however, would die as well because of the Black Mamba's poison.

How long will it take for the black mamba's venim to spread througout the body?

The Black Mamba is known by the Kalahari tribes as the Five-Step Snake as if you are bitten, you will take no more than five steps before you die.

When did Mamba Sano die?

Mamba Sano died in 1985.

How many people die a year from black mamba bites?

Black Mambas are know to kill thousands of people in Africa every year. In most cases death occurs within half an hour of the bite. Due to the inaccessibility of most forest areas, due to unavailability of anti venom most bites end up fatal.

Is it right that the black mamaba is a very poisonous snake?

Black Mamba venom is very potent - people left untreated can die in a very short time period. Incidentally the Black Mamba isn't black - but olive green in colour. It gets it's name from the colour of the lining of its mouth - which is jet black.

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