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Pretty short! They were bred that way on purpose, that their noses are closer to the ground for tracking game.

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Q: How short are basset hounds legs?
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Related questions

Why do basset hounds have long legs?

They don't have long legs, their legs are quite short.

Why do basset hounds sit on the back legs?

all dogs sit like that, it is the way their bodies are aligned

What is a Munchkin dog a mix of?

The ''Munchkin'' is not a breed or mix breed of Dog, it is a breed of cat with very short legs. In fact, the gene which gives these unique cats their dwarfism, is also the gene that gives Dachshunds, Basset Hounds and Corgis their short legs.

Why do basset hounds whine when they are alone?

This is not something that is unique to Basset hounds; there are dogs of all breeds suffer from anxiety separation. If Basset Hounds are alone, how do we know they whine? I think the answer is inconclusive.....

How sweet are basset hounds?

In my opinion, basset hounds are really sweet. I have a five year old female basset hound and I love her SO much!

What is the difference between basset hounds and blood hounds?

Many things, first of all size, shape, and color. Basset Hounds are short-legged, relatively small, and have long backs. They often come in white with patches of brown. Blood Hounds are not short-legged, having a more proportionate build. They are quite large, and are a reddish-brown color with some darker points.

What color are hounds?

Basset hounds are white with brown and black spots.

Where are basset hounds from?

They originated from france

What is a basset hounds prey?


Why do basset hounds have long ears?

Basset hounds have long ears so when they are sniffing the ears whip up the smell toward their noses.

Do people eat basset hounds?

yes, in Vietnam people eat basset hounds. It is called Lop Sok (vietnamese for hound meat).

Do basset hounds drool a lot?

Basset Hounds indeed slobber and drool a lot, especially after drinking or eating treats or dog food.