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Q: How should a minor burn to the hand be treated?
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What is the first thing you should be concern about when treating a burn victim?

it depends on what kind of burn. A minor burn you need to stop the burning, because even after the hot object is taken away it continues to burn. So the best thing to do is to have ice water made for you while they are doing that run your hand under cold water

How was Johnny Tremains burn treated?

Johnny Tremains hand was treated by Doctor Warren who discovers that his thumb is just stuck to his palm because of scar tissue and Johnny's hand can easily be fixed with surgery. * Hoped i helped!

What should you put on a hot soup burn when you burn your hand?

Lots of cold water as quickly as possible.

What do i treat a burn on my hand with?

In order to treat a burn on your hand it is important to know what type of burn it is. A superficial burn (known as a first degree burn) should be placed under cool running water. A partial-thickness burn (known as a second degree burn) will typically blister and should be submerged in cool water. A full-thickness burn (known as a third degree burn) is a serious medical condition and 911 should be called.

How is the Torah treated?

With proper respect

Was treated at hospital 2 days ago for a second degree burn to your hand has now become very painful and is weeping with some green pus what should i do?

Well you could amputate it but a better idea might be to return to the hospital

Now you are ready to treat the burn on her hand Since it's only a superficial burn what should you do?

Apply cool water to the affected area

How did the early pioneers treat hand burns?

Early pioneers often treated hand burns by applying remedies such as aloe vera, honey, or even butter to soothe the burn and promote healing. They also used cool water or mud to cool the burn and provide relief. Additionally, bandaging the burn loosely with clean cloth or soft leaves was a common practice to protect the injured skin.

Should you remove your hand from the stove burner when it is turned on?

Unless you want to suffer a severe burn, yes.

A women burned her hand in the lunchroom You should?

put her hand in cold water or put ice in it

Can hand sanitizer be used to sterilize a burn?

While most hand sanitizers do contain ethyl alcohol, which is a sterilizing agent, hand sanitizer typically contains other ingredients, including fragrances or dyes. Because of these additional ingredients, it is really best to not use hand sanitizer to sterilize a burn, especially if it covers a large area, or is more serious than a minor burn. The best action is to run the burn under cool water, then cover with a sterile gauge bandage. If the burn is raw, then disinfecting with a sterile antiseptic, followed by the application of antibacterial ointment and a sterile gauze bandage, is the best route to recovery. If the burn is more serious, seek medical assistance immediately!