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If desiccants are left in the atmosphere, they absorb water vapour in the air and lose their drying capacity. Close the plastic bag containing the remaining packets tightly and store in a dry, cool place.

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Q: How should you store desiccant packets remaining in opened packages?
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How many smartie are in a average tube?

about 48 Actually there is 39 i just opened 5 packets and the average is 39. thanks. x

Is the post office allowed to open packages?

Yes, and letters too. If they think there is something wrong or dangerous they can open them.

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The expiration or best-use-by dates are for unopened packages.

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The packets of food are sealed airtight in a bacteria free-zone, so there's no bacteria till the packet is opened, which means there's no oxygen, so the bacteria cant respire, in order to love, so they'll die.

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The packages normally have manufacturing dates on them. These dates may be coded -- you can call the company and they will tell you have to interpret the code. Unopened packages of tobacco & cigarettes are good for six to twelve months. They will last longer if kept in the refrigerator (not the freezer). Opened packages dry out fairly quickly -- maybe a week.

Can i frezze packet cooked ham you use for makinng sandwichs?

Yes, you can freeze packets of cooked ham. If the packet has been opened, you should put the ham in an airtight container suitable for freezing or a freezer bag.

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If you mean the Storybook Land Canal Boats, that is one of the few remaining attractions that existed ever since Disneyland first opened in 1955.

Can you ship coffee into Iraq in a care box?

Yes, you can. Just don't ship pornography or alcohol. Some units require that the packages be opened in front of a supervisor...although I've only seen one in my two deployments.

Can You receive mailed packages at boot camp?

To save your loved one ridicule and taunting in boot camp it is smart to limit contact to letters. Packages will have to be opened in the presence of the Drill instructor or TI to insure that there is nothing that is considered contraband. Any snacks will be confiscated, and if you can't buy it at the Nex/PX/BX you don't need it. A letter will go a long way.

You were given dip packets you cannot find expiration dates how do you know they are ok to use?

whats in them? if its any sour cream or other dairy product then once opened about two days if u keep it in the fridge, if its like salsa u can keep it abt 4 days

Do packages sun-dried tomatoes need to be refrigerated once opened?

Unless if they are packed in olive oil then yes, but just dried with not liquid, then no they do not need to be refrigerated