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it doesn't

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Q: How the gender affect the physical activity of the students?
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Related questions

How does physical factor affect mental health?

genitcs and gender

What decides how much energy you need?

Age, gender, fitness level, level of physical activity are the main contributors.

How does gender affect religion?

Gender doesn't affect religion at all. If gender did affect religion it would be totally Bias. Well, there is your answer on "does gender affect religion."

What could back pain indicate?

The answer to this depends on many factors. Your age, gender, physical ability, and the type of activity you take part in.

Does gender affect fingerprint patterns?

No. Gender does not affect the pattern.

What affects a persons metabolism?

There are many factors that affect a person's metabolism. A short list would include: age, gender, diet, activity level.

What is 'sexo'?

"Sexo" is the Spanish word for "sex". It refers to the physical activity between individuals for reproduction or pleasure.

How does gender affect development?

Gender can affect development in a variety of ways. Sometimes one gender can do things such as walking or talking first, and puberty will affect both genders differently.

Does your gender affect your diet?

no, but it does affect your matabolism

What is average amount of calories a person should have per day?

Depends on age, gender, size and level of physical activity. but roughly between 1800-2500 calories.

How many calories does a person needs?

Depends on gender, weight, and physical activity. An average adult male requires about 2500, and a female 2000. Excess calories are deposited as fat.

Does gender affect flexibility?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that gender alone affects flexibility. Flexibility is influenced by various factors such as genetics, age, physical activity level, and training. However, some studies have found differences in flexibility between males and females in certain areas of the body, which may be attributed to differences in muscle composition and joint structure.