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It stated that none of the men could commit fornication unless they sought the permission of the French people. The French people always denied fornication rights so the Germans were mad because all people have needs.

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Q: How the treaty of Versailles led to chaos in Germany?
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How it led to war when In 1999 Germany invaded Poland?

the treaty of Versailles pissed of Germany so the broke it

Who led the opposition to the Treaty of Versailles?

Everyone supported the treaty of Versailles except Germany because they were the ones paying the debts

What was the legacy of the Treaty of Versailles in Germany?

In the post-World War I era, the legacy of the Treaty of Versailles for Germany and its people was thoroughly negative. The harsh demands of the Treaty created deep-seated and long-lasting resentments among the German people; these resentments led almost directly to the eruption of the Second World War.

Treaty that set out how Germany should be punished for World War 1?

The Treaty of Versailles was pretty harsh on the Germans, but not nearly as harsh as France and Great Britain would have liked. This harsh treaty led to Germany starting world war 2.

Under the Treaty of Versailles was charged with the sole responsibility for World War 1?

The Treaty of Versailles in 1919 assigned the blame, as well as massive war reparation debts, to Germany. The resultant economic problems led to the failure of the Weimar Republic, setting the stage for German nationalism and World War II.

World war 1 was officially ended with the signing of the treaty of?

WW1 was ended with the Treaty of Versailles which blamed the war on Germany. Germany was so mad about this that, for their new dictator, they looked to Hitler for guidance This led up to WW2, in a way.

What was the impact of the treaty of Versailles on Europe and the Versailles of the rest of the world after world war1?

the treaty of Versailles plunged Europe into the second world war and it led to the rise of aggressors in Europe

Was re-armament part of Hitler's plan which led to World War 2?

Yes, it was. Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles, as he thought it humiliated Germany.

Which treaty created an unfair peace in the world that led to World War 2?

Treaty of Versailles

How did the depression and the treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Adolf Hitler?


Why did Hitler defy the conditions of the treaty of Versailles?

Hitler defied the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles because he believed it was unjust and humiliating for Germany. He saw the restrictions placed on Germany, such as military disarmament and territorial loss, as hindrances to the country's greatness. Hitler sought to undo the treaty and regain German power and territory, which ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II.

Who was forced to assume responsability for the war under the treaty of Versailles?

The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept full responsibility for World War One, even though it only entered the war due to its alliance with Austria-Hungary. The decision was made to have the treaty be signed at Versailles so that it would symbolically undo the Treaty of Versailles that had been signed at the end of the Franco-Prussian War of 1871. At the end of that war, France had lost and had been forced to pay reparations and give up territory to Germany, and the French desire for revenge for both the Franco-Prussian War AND World War One motivated negotiations at the 1917 peace conference.