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Type the following into Google: 1 km per second in parsec per year you will get the following answer: 1 (km per second) = 1.02268944 × 10-6 Parsec per year

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Q: How to convert km per seconds to parsec per year?
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Multiply by seconds.

How do you convert miles per second to miles per year?

Multiply miles per second by 31,556,926 to convert to miles per year.

How do you convert meters per second to seconds?

You cant just convert a derived rate of speed to a time.

Convert hertz per seconds squared to kilohertz per hours squared?

Conversion: hertz per seconds squared x 12,960 = kilohertz per hours squared

How many hundredths of a second are there in a year?

60 seconds per minute x 60 minutes per hour x 24 hours per day = 86,400 seconds per day Assume 365 days per year: 365 days per year x 86,400 seconds per day = 31,536,000 seconds per year x 100 = 3,153,600,000

How do you convert seconds to meters per second?

This question doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe something is missing? To convert seconds to metres per second you would need to divide the metres given by the number of seconds used. If all you have is seconds, and no distance, then you are stuck. Metres per second is a measure of speed and seconds is a measure of time. Speed=distance/time. So divide your metres by your seconds to get metres per second.