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Well, the best thing that you can do is probably ask a lot of questions. Often, that helps the teacher (whether boring or mean or whatever) believe that you actually care about what is going on in the class, and about the subject matter. Ask questions that go deeper than the stuff he or she is talking about, rather than just asking him or her to repeat themselves. If you ask interesting, thoughtful questions, then the teacher might get more excited about the subject and start teaching better. Also, try to show as much respect as possible to the teacher. I'm not saying that all teachers deserve respect... only that it will help when it comes to grading time. Sometimes teachers are mean just because they think that the class is out of control and they aren't sure how to get everyone to calm down and listen. ... Which means that the teacher needs to learn some better strategies, but it also means that you could help out... be vocal in trying to get people to calm down. Prove you are on the teacher's side in trying to establish a place where people can learn. And be prepared for every class. If the teacher asks a question, be ready and willing to answer it. Maybe you will feel like you are brown-nosing or talking too much, and maybe some of the other kids won't like you... but if the teacher is despairing that none of the students are prepared, you being prepared will stand out. If you are completely prepared, if you study hard, if you learn all of the material and try to be on the teacher's side as much as possible... I think that you will have a good chance at an A.

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