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Make a new gmail account then have facebook send it to your new account.

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Q: How to give password reset code send to Gmail account when your facebook as well as Gmail account has been hacked?
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How do you log into a different Gmail account?

You can log into your Gmail account by first visiting the official Gmail website. Your user name and password are then entered into the box which allows access to the site.

How do you find someone's facebook password with there gmail password?

You cannot find the password with Gmail password. Gmail only shows the various notifications that Facebook receives. It never stores the passwords anywhere.

How do you sign up using gmail id?

You can create a Facebook account via Gmail. This links Gmail to connect with Facebook. The mails that you receive from Facebook are on this mail.

I have linked Gmail to my facebook account but I cannot access facebook using Gmail How can I access it?

You cannot access Facebook account using Gmail. You have to use it using the Facebook site only. Gmail is just for confirming the account.

How do you get someone's Facebook password using there gmail password?

Facebook's passwords are not accessible via Gmail. Gmail does not store passwords anywhere. The most it does is receive notifications.

Will your Facebook account be deleted if you delete your Gmail account?

No it won't. Gmail is from Google, which is a separate company to Facebook, and so there is no connection when deleting a Gmail account.

How do you set a password for your in box on Gmail?

You can easily change your password on Gmail. The password is like the key to Gmail account. You can change it in the settings.

How can you delete your facebook account using Gmail account?

No, you can't delete Facebook using Gmail. To delete Facebook, you have to go on their website. Gmail just is an interface.

How do you find Gmail password?

The Gmail password should not be hacked. It is against the rules and regulations of Google Mail. You can face legal charges on hacking one.

Somebody hacked into my youtube account?

well that happened to me, and it still is, i would call gmail or whatever email u have, and utube account and call and ask who changed ur password and get it back

How do you recover my facebook password?

To recover Facebook password, you need knowledge of computer or contact a professional to help you. I could not recover my password when it was blocked but edwinforex57@gmailcom was the person who helped me to get my Facebook back.