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int youArray[arraysize] = {...};


for (int i = 1; i <= arraySize; i++)


cout << yourArray[arraySize - i] << endl;




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Q: How to print the reverse of an array without using backward loop?
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Use for loop declare string array str[] and string variable l= string length of string array j=l for i=0 to i=l/2 then temp=str[i] str[i]=str[j-1] str[j-1]=temp j=j-1 now print str array it will be reversed

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Create an array like so $numbers = array(); $numbers['0'] = "ZERO"; $numbers['1'] = "ONE"; and so on.. till you decide that's enough then to print it, echo the array with the desired key like so.. Example I print 5 in words echo $numbers['5']; which would print FIVE Good luck

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Java solutionFortunately, Java has a number of useful functions in the java.util.Arrays class for us.A call to...System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(array));...will print out any array.

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maxValue = function (array) {mxm = array[0];for (i=0; i&lt;array.length; i++) {if (array[i]&gt;mxm) {mxm = array[i];}}return mxm;}; i don't know