

How to save energy by using dimmer?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Dimmer requires less energy for the same reason it is easier for us to lift on pund than twenty pounds; its easier.

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Q: How to save energy by using dimmer?
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Can energy save bulb be used with any dimmer?

Compact florescent do not dim. They are all or nothing. You can use them where you have a dimmer switch. They will come on from about half way to full on. Dimmer switches don't like them and the switch will burn out faster.

Can a dimmer switch help reduce the use of energy in a home?

No. this is because a dimmer switch increases resistance to produce less light. in other words, the dimmer switch converts the electrical energy into other forms such as heat by increasing resistance and is thus not saving energy, but wasting it.

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Yes, you can. You could also save energy by buying energy efficient appliances and using energy efficient lightbulbs.

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You don't 'save' energy by using these methods, you save non renewable resources, such as coal, oil and gas.

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In the most general terms, there are two reasons to save energy. 1) Using energy costs money. 2) Using energy quite often harms the planet.

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By using a battery and using less energy by charging a less amount of time.

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by not using ur lights

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Yes, in the long run it will save energy because wind power is a natural and renewable resource.

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Using an appliance like a blowdryer uses electricity. If you dry your hair another way (by air drying or towel drying your hair) then you save energy.

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turn of school light when your not using it

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