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Resistance is futile!

The 'hail Mary pass' was a futile attempt to tie the score in the game's final seconds.

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Q: How to use futile in a sentence?
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Use the word resistance in a sentence?

Resistance is futile!

How do use futile in a sentence?

His attempts to change her mind were futile as she had already made up hers.

How do you use futility in a sentence?

Resistance is futile! His heroic effort turned out to be futile, after all.

What is the word futile in a sentence?

Resistance is futile, human. Her wild attempts at explanation were futile.

Sentence using the word futile?

It was futile to sit up waiting for Santa. Remember: he sees you when you're sleeping.

How do use the word futile in a sentence.?

Man tried to hide from God that they were "dead" after sin and even futilely to hide from Him physically.

What is a sentence using the word futile?

Charlotte's effort to stop the car from rolling down the hill was futile. apex

Cab you give me a sentence for the word futility?

The rescue mission was futile.

Can you give me a sentence with the word futile?

The bank robbers tried their best to escape the police chasing after them, but their attempt was futile, as they were soon apprehended and thrown in jail.

What does this sentence mean i an unasked question is the most futile thing in the world'?

Most likely it means that not asking a question is pointless. Hence, it is futile not to ask the question.

How do you make sentence with futile?

You take the word 'futile' and combine it with other words, at least one of which should be a verb, using the rules of grammar for the language in question.

How can you use the word futileness in a sentence?

We tried to work out the problem but our attempts were futile. Kim told us it was futile to try, because we wouldn't get anywhere. Then Alex said, there's no such thing as futile: anything can be achieved if we really work at it. And Alex was right: it wasn't futile after all. We found four whole sentences that used the word 'futile' five times.