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hahahaha ur fat

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Q: How to write a Letter giving advice to someone on how to lose weight?
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Related questions

Where can one learn how to lose weight?

There are a great many online websites giving plenty of advice on how to lose weight, some of which include Eating Well, Weight Watchers and Battle Fat.

What is a safe weight loss diet after giving birth?

While looking for a safe weight lossdiet after giving birth, you must consider several factors. Are you breastfeeding? Did you have a c-section? Depending on the answers to these questions, safe weight loss options for some would not apply to everyone. Please consult a professional for weight loss advice.

Are there any websites devoted to giving free weight loss advice? has a healthy living, meal planning, and weight loss area on the website. You could also look at other health sites even things like the health section on Just remember the best weight loss advice is rarely the kind you want to hear. There are no healthy quick fixes.

Where can I find advice on band gastric bypass weight loss online?

I am looking for advice on band gastric bypass weight loss. Where can I find advice on band gastric bypass weight loss online? there may be blogs online that can give you advice from those who have already had this.

Which is a better weight loss exercise for someone starting out?

If you want to try out weight loss exercises and you are just starting out, it is recommended that you consult your doctor first. They will evaluate you to see which areas you need to build strength on before trying the weight loss exercises. You may also ask them for medical advice because they will give you the advice that's right for you body.

Where can I find advice on gastric bypass weight gain?

You can find advice on gastric bypass weight gain by consulting your local doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or dietrician. They will give the most professional advice.

Why do you always get ill when you lose weight?

I suggest that you seek medical advice when you diet, it maybe that you are stressing your body, by giving up too much too quickly. Thin and fashionable is not always fit and healthy.

What is the difference between advice and counsel?

These words have similar meanings, but counsel is used for a more formal situation, such as the advice given by a professional adviser. Counsel has some legal, academic, or moral weight. But anyone can advise; that may be just an opinion that someone offers. Advice may or may not be of any significance. All counsel is advice, but not all advice is counsel.

Why is weight different on different planets and the moon?

Some planets have less gravity or more gravity.More gravity giving you more weight and less giving you less weight.

Is there an official government source of weight loss advice?

There are numerous government sources which offer weight loss advice. The US Department of Agriculture, for example, offers online tools for calorie counting and weight management.

What is the most common piece of advice given on weight loss blogs?

The most common piece of advice on a weight loss blog is good nutrition and plenty of daily exercise.

Is good weight loss advice simply eat less and exercise more?

That is the good advice for losing weight because if you limit your caloric intake and increase your calorie burn, you will inevitably lose weight without harming yourself.