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Turn on the vehicle, Close all windows, Turn on the heater in max during the hottest hour of the day (make sure you stay out of the vehicle) close the doors but not locked and leave it for at least two hours running with a fan in the front of the vehicle radiator to ensure engine cooling during the process (check the engine water temperature every 10 minutes to make sure it won't get overheated during the two hours running). Open the doors and look around the seats, trunk, glove box and everywhere that you might thing to find the rat. If you don't find it Sell it before starts to stink! But if you did fund it... Make it pay for all the hard time that gave you!

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Q: How to you get rats out of a car?
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Are rats social animals?

Rats are very social animals! I have 5 rats. They can also be trained. Mine can tightrope, come to name, ride in brat's car, and even jump from one platform to another 3 feet away.

Why car is important in your life?

Crabby Artificial Rats (car) are important in my life because i like having sex with them and watching their tails go ERECTION !

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No, rats are vertebrates. Rats have backbones.

Can rats be trained?

yes and no. if u like rats and they don't bite u then rats can be trained. if u hate rats then rats can't be trained.

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no rats have gills, incuding water rats

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rats can not fart. answer rats canot be bad pets

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