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A tunnel 'operates' by allowing passage along a route through a barrier.

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When was the modern channel tunnel for trains constructed?

The Euro-tunnel an Anglo-French consortium was set up in 1985 to finance the tunnel and operate it once it was operational. It was completed and opened in1994

How fast does the euro tunnel go?

Eurotunnel is the company which owns and operates the channel tunnel between England and France. As it is a company it does not move! Eurotunnel operate shuttles carrying cars and lorries on trains through the tunnel. These run about 160 Kph. Other companies also run trains through the tunnel. The only passenger trains currently running through the tunnel are owned by Eurostar. These run about 200 Kph in the tunnel, but much faster outside it (300 Kph). Freight trains run much slow.

What is tunnel in French?

The word "tunnel" in French is "tunnel".

What is the world's longest canal tunnel?

The world's longest canal tunnel is the Rove Tunnel in France. The Stad Ship Tunnel in Norway is shorter, wider, and deeper.

Where is the longest tunnel in Colorado?

The Eisenhower Tunnel is the longest vehicular tunnel.

How long is the Frejus Tunnel?

Depends on whether you're referring to the rail tunnel or the road tunnel. The road tunnel is 12.87 kilometres, while the rail tunnel is 13.7 kilometres.

When was the Frejus Tunnel built?

The rail tunnel or the road tunnel? Construction of the rail tunnel began in 1857, and it was first opened in 1871. Construction of the road tunnel spanned from 1974 to 1980.

What are 3 tunnels in NYC?

Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Brooklyn Battery Tunnel.

What is the tunnel near milford sounds?

The road tunnel to Milford is called the Homer tunnel.

How do you say carpal tunnel in French?

Carpal tunnel is 'le tunnel carpien' in French.

Can an RV be pulled through Mobile tunnel?

Depends on which tunnel you're referring to. The tunnel on Interstate 10 is ok. The Bankhead Tunnel in town is not.

What is the short vowel in the first syllable trail toaster tunnel?

The short vowel in the first syllable of "trail" is the sound "a" as in "cat."