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Q: How warm does an axolotl tank need to be?
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What size does a fully grown axolotl need?

I have never kept them but at least a 30ltr tank is advised by experienced growers for one Axolotl and an extra 10 ltrs needs to be added for each extra axolotl tank should be at least 10 gallons.

Is it ok if your axolotl swims around at the top a lot?

It is alright if your axolotl swims around at the top of their enclosure. This may however signify that they need more oxygen and that you should clean the tank more often.

Does an axolotl need a oxygen pump in its tank?

If axolotls breathes oxygen, then yes.

What fish can go into the tank with an axolotl?

They like a bit of old pipe so you can make a little tunnel for them to hide in.

Can you pick up an axolotl in your hands when you clean it's tank?


Are Axolotl cold or warm blooded?

They are cold-blooded. yes they are cold blooded

Why do fish need warm water in their tank?

fishes must be at room tempature

Is well water good for tropical fish tank?

no tropical fish need warm water

Why do we have heaters for fish tank?

its for tropical fish and salt water fish. they need to have warm water to survive cause were they live is really warm waters

Why isn't my axolotl eating?

There are a couple of reasons why your axolotl might not be eating like temperature of the tank water and if the water is being cycled, and if you are feeding your axolotl only one typeof food maybe try something different,

Do you need to filter the water in the tank of an axolotl?

Yes. It is nessesary to have a filter to keep the water moving and oxygenated. It is also helpful because the water's movement mimics the movement of water in the axolotl's natural habitat. Just make sure that the water does not move too quickly because it could be harmful. If the axolotl is not moved around by the filter and you can not see a current in the water (except above the filter and in its immediate area) then the filter is on too high. Be sure to change the filter regularly as much as needed. Every axolotl is different and thus the filter will become dirty at different times.

Do molly fry need a water heater?

In winter they do,or you could put something around the tank e.g a blanket in the winter. In the summer the tank must be in a warm room:)