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Morse Code was used by airman flying in C-47 airplanes to pick up the north vietnamese soldiers communicating between units. While they were communicating between each other our airman were picking up their Morse code signals as well. The C-47 crew also had direction finding equipment where as we could get a good radius of the enemy and once a good radius was determined we would advise the army to determine how good a target we had picked up. They would then decide what means we would use to attack. Sometimes it would be army going after them or sometimes B52's.

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Q: How was Morse code used in the Vietnam war?
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Why was Morse code used in the war?

Because the enemy didn't know it.

What war was going on when Samuel Morse invented Morse Code?

There was no war occurring when Morse invented Morse Code. The closest chronological war would have been the Civil War which occurred about twenty years later.

Why was Samuel fb Morse important in the industrial revolution?

Samuel Morse had made a faster and efficient way to communicate to one another. The Morse code was used by the single-wire telegraph (which Samuel Morse had made, developed from the classical telegraph).The Morse code was helpful during the Civil War. That was the time in which the Morse code had become the most famous.-HD

When did they use Morse code?

The first word war

Did a telephone use Morse code?

Morse code was used in the 1800s. It wasn't until the late 1800s that Morse code began to be used through radio communication.

When did the Morse code start?

In 1844

How was Morse code used in World War 1?

Roughly the same way it was used at the time the Titanic sunk a few years earlier.

What was J.R.R Tolkien doing in the war?

He was a signals and language expert. He knew and used everything from Morse code to flag symbols

What weapon was not used in the Vietnam war?

Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.

How did the invention of Morse code impat the growth of the us?

The telegraph and Morse code made communication faster and easier to do. It also contributed to helping union troops in the civil war.

What weapon was not used in Vietnam during the war?

Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war