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well they were treated like the were a pice of gaarbage,and they were wipped.Slaves didnt really have any rights they were just pushed around by the owners,all slaves did was work day in and day out.Hope that answers your question

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Q: How were slaves treated unequally to others?
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Why is slavery inequality?

Slavery is considered inherently unequal because it involves the exploitation and dehumanization of individuals who are forced to work against their will without fair compensation or basic human rights. It perpetuates a system where some people have power and control over others solely based on their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status, leading to significant disparities in power, freedom, and opportunity.

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slaves were free from slavery but they had segregation... racism occured so they were free but treated unequally

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When Africans were slaves how were they treated?

they were treated very poorly, some were whipped with hot chains, and others crudely beaten.

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they were forced to reproduce with others to "breed" strong slaves.

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Different people had different reactions. Some were very kind to their slaves. Some were extremely cruel. Some were offended by how harshly slaves were treated by others. Early Christians accepted slaves as equals. In fact many slaves were Christians, but were treated equally at worship services.

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Victimization refers to the act of someone being harmed, injured, or mistreated by another person or group. It involves the intentional or unintentional actions that lead to someone being targeted or affected negatively.

How were the slaves treated in Brazil?

Slaves in Brazil were subjected to harsh treatment, including physical abuse, long hours of labor, and poor living conditions. Many faced violence, exploitation, and separation from their families. Slavery in Brazil was abolished in 1888.

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The slaves were not treated good at all I guess you can try to imagine jail now and then multiply it by 100 and then you will see how the slaves were treated.

Moral reasons for abolition of slaves?

If you see morality in terms of the Golden Rule you will treat others as you want to be treated.

How were Mayan slaves treated?

Mayan slaves were typically treated poorly, subjected to harsh working conditions, physical abuse, and inadequate living conditions. They had limited rights and freedoms, often forced to work in agriculture, construction, or domestic service. Slavery was an important aspect of the Mayan economy and society, with slaves being considered the property of their owners.