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In the Holocaust Jews were treated extremely badly and killed.


From 1941 on the Nazis' aim was to kill all the Jews they could find. The main methods used were:

1. Mass open air shootings (especially in Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus and Latvia).

2. Working them to death in concentration camps on grossly inadequate food.

3. Gassing them (at extermination camps, such as the Birkenau section of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor and the death camp section of Majdanek).

Before they were sent to camps, many Jews were herded into ghettos, especially in Poland, such as the Warsaw Ghetto. Further Jews were regularly crammed in from surrounding areas. The overcrowding - in the Warsaw Ghetto people had to live 9 to a room - the inadequate food and lack of medication meant that the ghettos suffered from frequent outbreaks of fatal diseases.

The overall Jewish death toll in the Holocaust was about 5.7-6 million.


They were rounded up by Nazi police and collaborators and put on to train for 3 days and 2 nights. When the train got to the camps, people were hearded over to the entrance. Not only Jews were in the camps, but gays, Christians, and gypsies too. People were split up into two lines, one to go into the gas chamber, and the other to be worked to death, literally. Families were split up.


Jews were starved to death, they died of many diseases and were spilt apart from their families. Most children were killed when they arrived at the camp. All the Jews' belongings were taken from them and the Nazis lied and said they would get their things back later. Jews were completey shaved; some were sexually harrased by Nazis. They were forced to wear the Star of David. Hitler was a bad man. He killed the Jews because he wanted a race that only had blonde hair and blue eyes, though he wasn't even blonde and didn't have blue eyes himself.


Jews were considered lower than the dirt that German soldiers had on their steeled-toed jackboots and they were treated accordingly.


They were put in concentration camps, tortured, worked to death, killed in gas chambers, gunned down, raped... Nazis considered them inferior and felt that it was their right to do anything they wanted to the Jews and above all to kill them.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Jews were mistreated by having to wear a yellow Star of David (the Jewish symbol, such as the cross for Christians) on each article of clothing so they were now labeled by society as Jews and no one could associate with them. As if that wasn't enough, they also were given a curfew, had to turn in all of their books and personal items to be burned in a huge bonfire so the whole town could see, and they were placed into ghettos, or housing (mostly rundown shops and hotels crawling with rats and whatnot) for Jews at the time of the war. AND they had to go through the Holocaust, which was terrible. Many were gassed (killed in gas chambers made to look like shower rooms); the living were forced to move thousands of corpses which were then dumped into mass graves. The living barely had any food, adequate housing, or adequate clothing at the camps. But they were forced to do hard manual labor, in any kind of weather. Many became ill and died from starvation. Others died from cruel treatment (beatings, etc.).

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17y ago

Ever since Hitler came to power in 1933 the Jews in Germany were persecuted: they were subjected to restrictions, sometimes beaten up in the street and bullied into leaving Germany. German expansion into Austria (1938) and what is now the Czech Republic (1938-39) increased the number of Jews under Nazi rule. The invasions of most neighboring countries (and some further afield) led to a huge increase in the number of Jews under Nazi control. For about 2 years before the start of the holocaust, Jews in many places (for example, Berlin and Warsaw) were forced to live in the same area, sometimes in sealed off ghettos. There often weren't allowed to work and had to live on their savings, if they had any, on charity and/or had to starve. From 1941-42 onwards they were transported by rail, often in cattle trucks and the like, to the large death (extermination) camps that the Nazis established in Poland. The best known are Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek and Belzec. On arrival, they were divided into the 'fit for work' and the 'unfit'. The latter, which included all the small children and the elderly were gassed shortly after arrival. Those considered fit for work were used as slave labor without sufficient food. On average, a slave laborer lived for 8 months before perishing. In June 1941 the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. Behind the main military came the SD death squads. These rounded up Jews, shot them and buried them in pits. Many regard this as the start of the actual holocaust.

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12y ago

Auschwitz still strikes fear into the minds of many Jewish people today because of what happened. Jews were treated worse than homeless animals being worked to death with very little food, watching their friends and family die. This was the worst death camp of all during WWII.

IF they were not sent to the gas chamber when they entered the camp, they were overworked, underfed and often were used for scientific/medical experiments.

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15y ago

That varied from country to country. It is well known that in Poland many Jews were subjected to further persecution by the local population. For example, Leon Feldhander, who had jointly led a successful uprising in Sobibor extermination camp in October 1943 and escaped, was murdered by an anti-Jewish Pole in January 1945. In Kiele (Poland) there was a pogrom in 1946 in July 1946.

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12y ago

BAD BAD BAD BAD! They were either shot on the spot, gassed (and thus killed) or sent to concentration camps where they were forced to do labor for the Nazis. Either they died of injuries or sickness, or managed to survive to see the end of the war.

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12y ago

Research Kristallnacht and the Holocaust.

Bottom line: Beyond Terrible.

The Nazis killed six million Jews during the Second World War.

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Zip, zero. They starved them to death. Look at the photos of people who are living skeletons.